Tyrion quips to Varys that prayer isn't any more useful in curing greyscale than is trying to dance away the plague. Although he was counseled to send her to the ruins of Valyria to live out her short life with the Stone Men, Stannis refused and called every maester, apothecary, and healer he could find to save his daughter's life. Shireen Baratheon is locked away, quarantined, and sick with greyscale. According to king Stannis, all his goods where garbage, but there was one doll he liked. Stannis, however, ordered Shireen's instructors to focus on matters relating to good governance: geography, history, religion, and classical literature have been specifically mentioned as topics she studies, and she is an avid reader. Treatment. Blindness commonly occurs if the infection spreads across the face to the eyes. When Shireen was an infant, she suffered from an infection called greyscale. Stannis gently explains that he is a traitor and is in the dungeon, a notion which distresses the young princess. Even though it was rare, getting Greyscale was quite easy since it only took coming into contact with an infected person or object. She slept with the doll in her crib, and rubbed her face against it. Through 5 seasons on HBO, greyscale has been depicted on-screen in only 3 different places. She tries to convince him but he rebuffs her and orders her to leave his presence.[11]. She and her mother are present in Castle Black at the Watch's subsequent funeral for their fallen brothers. Eventually she is saved by her brother Orestes. The daughter of king Stannis Baratheon. The left side of her face is scarred by Greyscale, which she caught as an infant. In later stages the hardened flesh becomes mottled grey and black as it dies, … Quora User answer sums up what we do and don't know regarding Shireen Baratheon’s greyscale. Overjoyed, Shireen embraces her father and he returns the embrace. Her only companion is a lackwit fool, and half the time Shireen is scared of him. List of references to Game of Thrones in other media, Telltale video game navigation sub-portal, Miguel Sapochnik - co-showrunner/director, Aegon Targaryen (son of Rhaegar and Elia), https://gameofthrones.fandom.com/wiki/Greyscale?oldid=444582. Status Shireen is described as being less than pretty even without considering her greyscale. Like the greyscale covered Shireen. From what little we've seen of her, she seems like a sweet girl who has been dealt a pretty crappy hand in life. learning how to sew, sing, pray, and curtsey (they are also taught mathematics, because a lord's wife is expected to administer his household). He proceeds to dictate a letter requesting for an audience with the Iron Bank, to ask them to switch their support from the Lannisters to her father. Stannis tells her if a man knows what he is and remains true to his self that he must fulfill his destiny no matter how much he hates it. Several Game of Thrones characters contracted Greyscale including Shireen Baratheon, Jorah Mormont, Archmaester Pylos, Karl Whitehill, and two of Gilly's sisters. Meanwhile, franchise creator George RR Martin recently spoke to Joe.ie about the upcoming sequels and prequels of the show – and even went on to hint at the return of an Ice Dragon. ... (Shireen Baratheon held an infected doll to her face, which is why that was the site of her disfigurement), which is why people who have come in contact with it test for numbness in their fingers and toes with a knife. Shireen's death seems to be based on the Greek myth of Iphigenia during the Trojan War. Peter Dinklage (Tyrion) in a behind the scenes video for the TV series called it "sort of like a very vicious form of leprosy." [9] The Stone Men that appear in Season 5 required large foam pieces that covered all of the head and shoulders, and took about four hours to apply (Shireen's apparently still took some time because it was added on by hand and very detailed, while the more severe Stone Men prosthetics were large foam pieces that could be at least partially assembled prior to application). Things get worse for Stannis and his army when Ramsay, along with twenty other Bolton soldiers, sneak in and destroy the food tents and kill some of the horses. Her father – desperate to save her – brought in healers from all over the world. He has her address the letter as if she was actually her father, and she asks if they should do that: Davos says it is fine (given that he is Stannis's Hand) and that addressing the letter as "from King Stannis" is just to get the Bank's attention. But the greyscale might place an unfair burden on her. The scene where Davos was lacking out stew to the soldiers and the young girl came along demanding to be able to fight. Later, she visits her father in his chambers. [9], When Stannis and his army leave Castle Black for Winterfell, he takes Shireen and Selyse with him, not wanting them in the company of the Night's Watch, due to many of them being criminals and rapists. King Stannis laid it in princess Shireen's Cradle, and she pressed it against her cheek. She has "guileless blue eyes" and is an "ugly little girl" (Clash of Kings, Prologue, p.3, 4) In the books, we're never told how she became infected, only that it occurred when she was a baby and it nearly killed her. After Robert died, this only increased her father's determination that Shireen should be prepared to be a Ruling Queen. Agamemnon is at first horrified, but under pressure from the other Greek captains he reluctantly agrees. Pay close attention, Game of Thrones fans, because greyscale is going to play a big role in Season 7. Stannis later visits Shireen and the two discuss the events that unfolded between Rhaenyra Targaryen and her brother Aegon during the Dance of the Dragons. The princess who burned. Shireen Baratheon. Game of Thrones: Stannis Baratheon and Shireen share a hug As we found out in last week’s episode, “Sons of the Harpy,” Shireen contracted her greyscale from an infected Dornish doll. Shireen is described as being less than pretty even without considering her greyscale. Selyse tries to dissuade Stannis from seeing Shireen, but he angrily insists upon seeing his daughter. I think the last thing Shireen Baratheon can be characterized as is bitchy. The medicinal ointment applied by Samwell could just be meant to prevent infection from other bacteria or viruses. Culture Shireen's sacrifice allows her father's army to press forwards as the blood magic appears to have been successful in melting the snows. Spoilers. Her eruption is depicted as ichthyotic plaques in a somewhat Blaschkoid pattern limited to the left side of the face and body. He used to sit grey-faced and still in a windowless tower room and speak in whispers that grew fainter every day as the greyscale turned his tongue and lips to stone. Very rarely, children infected with greyscale can fight off the infection, though they are still left disfigured. Shireen is the same age as Arya Stark in the books. Originally Answered: How did Shireen Baratheon get the greyscale ? Later that night, Shireen sneaks out of her tower and into the dungeon to see Davos. Stannis is visibly repulsed by the suggestion, asking her if she has lost her mind. When it spreads to the brain, the deterioration can result in violent insanity. Alguém já se perguntou se existe…” He says that she certainly is her father's daughter, as they are both relentless. Greyscale generally affects children, especially in cold damp climates. Haldon warns Tyrion that he will never know for sure if he is clean; he may be going grey even as they speak, turning to stone from inside out, starting with his heart and lungs. While working the rounds in the Citadel, Samwell Tarly is accosted by Jorah Mormont with Greyscale on his arm, asking if Daenerys Targaryen has arrived in Westeros yet. Stannis, however, refused to accept defeat, and instead brought every maester, healer, and apothecary he could find from both sides of the Narrow Sea to try everything they could to save her. With Season 5 of Game Of Thrones in full swing, why not check out our interview with Kerry Ingram who plays Shireen Baratheon on the show? Tags. This would make Shireen the same age as actress Kerry Ingram, so it seems plausible. The king's true heir Independent RP blog for Shireen Baratheon from the HBO show Game of thrones and GRR Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series. Steffon Baratheon who was father to Robert, Stannis, and Renly, was the son of King Aerys II Targaryen's aunt, Rhaelle Targaryen, and thus he was Aerys's first cousin. "The Dance of Dragons" {Stannis Baratheon} She says that the Lord of Light hears the prayers of all men, king or slave, even the Stone Men in their misery. Normally considered a death sente… In Season 5, however, the Stone Men in Essos are actually depicted with grey and black stone-like scarring. However, the horror of a little girl's sacrifice has led hundreds of Baratheon troops and all his sellswords (about half his army) to desert, while Selyse hangs herself, and Melisandre flees after hearing the news. The pattern made by the hardened and splitting skin is similar to cracks made in thin ice, and in later and more severe stages look somewhat like patterns of scales. Arya was aged-up by two years in the TV continuity to be 11 in Season 1, and thus 14 in Season 4, meaning that unless Shireen's relative age was also altered, she is also 15 in Season 5. In the TV series, Stannis explains that he brought in every maester, healer, and apothecary on both sides of the Narrow Sea to try to cure Shireen, and the combination of their efforts ended up succeeding - which is apparently also what Stannis did in the novels. The look on his face when he saw her broke my heart. And Shireen isn't the only time we encounter greyscale in Martin's novels. Tag Archives: shireen baratheon In His Defense: Stannis Baratheon. Maester Cressen is relieved that the child did not procure greyscale as his mother had as an infant. Shireen Baratheon was said to have caught greyscale from a doll that her father Stannis bought home from a Dornish market. Selyse runs to her daughter's aid, but is held back by Baratheon soldiers, and crumples to the ground as she watches her daughter die in the flames and Stannis looking away with tears in his eyes.[12]. 308 AC - Young Gerold becomes captivated with hearing the tales of Stannis Baratheon from his mother, as well as his other grandfather Davos Seaworth. Jon and Davos later learn of Shireen's death when Melisandre returns to Castle Black, although she withholds the specific details, including the role that she herself and Stannis played in it. Origin Shireen, being the loving daughter she is, expresses to him that she wants to help and will do whatever she can to help her father -- without knowing his true intentions. Shireen Baratheon. Unfortunately, the doll was contaminated with greyscale, and by the time that was discovered, Shireen had already contracted the disease. She protests that he really should because it is good practice, but says that it is very important, so he must make sure that it is written properly by someone smart. The question surprises Stannis, but he responds by telling Shireen the story of how she contracted greyscale from a doll he bought from a Dornish merchant. Notes: When I started writing this series, the second and third story came very easily. Please read this page before interacting with me. Davos explains that he has been to Braavos, during his smuggling days, but he nearly lost his life when he ran afoul of the First Sword who was protecting the ships of the Iron Bank of Braavos. The left side of her face is scarred by Greyscale… Finally, Shireen asks her father if he is ashamed of her. She gives him a new book which she says is more complex, The Life and Adventures of Elyo Grivas, First Sword of Braavos. As the daughter and heir of Stannis, Shireen resides at Dragonstone and is educated by Maester Cressen. Most prominent is the case of a 9-year-old girl, Shireen Baratheon, the daughter of the leader of one faction, Stannis Baratheon. [10] It was finally identified by name in Season 5 episode 2 "The House of Black and White" when Shireen and Gilly discuss it. Fundamentally, however, Martin confirmed to Benioff and Weiss that in some form Melisandre is going to burn Shireen alive as a sacrifice to the Lord of Light in a future novel. She was the Lady of Storm's End and Lady Paramount of the Stormlands following the Years of Consolidation under her cousin Queen Myrcella I Baratheon. He is visibly saddened by the reminder.[16]. [15], While preparing for the Battle of Winterfell, Davos meets a girl named Teela, whose facial scars apparently remind him of Shireen's greyscale. [2], Following Davos's release, he spends time with Shireen. Shireen discusses the Targaryen civil war with Stannis. Unbeknownst to Tyrion, Jorah has been infected with the disease, having been touched on the wrist by one of the stone men. Shireen is a sweet and gentle girl, though half her face is marred by scars from the greyscale she contracted as an infant. When she was a baby, a merchant visited Dragonstone. [3] Stone Men are often exiled from society to live in ruined cities in Essos, such as Old Valyria. The affected hardened areas of skin also turn mottled grey and black, though Shireen's face isn't very discolored in the TV series - she has been cured of the disease, but in the novels the scars and dead tissue left behind are still grey and black. HBO. The second is the more common form of greyscale outside of Westeros, and is nearly always fatal. Even though it was rare, getting Greyscale was quite easy since it only took coming into contact with an infected person or object. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Princess Shireen Baratheon was the only surviving child (fourth and only daughter) of Stannis and Selyse Baratheon, and the younger sister of Petyr Baratheon, Tommard Baratheon and Edric Baratheon. Shireen Baratheon – Grayscale. Most girls in noble families of the Seven Kingdoms are given an education that primarily focuses on being groomed to be a wife and mother to a major lord, i.e. She chides him for moving his lips like a child, then claps her hands in congratulations when he reads the title correctly. Shireen got her Greyscale from an infected doll that Stannis bought from a passing Dornish ship. 1 Character and Appearance 2 History 3 Recent Events 3.1 A Clash of Kings 3.2 A Storm of Swords 3.3 A Dance with Dragons Shireen is regarded as a sweet child, but she is not considered very pretty. In many ways, Shireen is receiving a more thorough education than Catelyn Tully or Cersei Lannister did. Only a toddler, she is sad, confused and alone. Advising her to forget her friend, Stannis departs. You knew Shireen Baratheon. Greyscale may also have been transmitted by a child’s doll, as seen in the case of Shireen Baratheon. It is feared that the disease still lies dormant in such children, though maesters insist that they are not infectious (i.e. Link to post Share on other sites. [8] By Season 5, the makeup team managed to get the application time down to two hours. 287 AC Greyscale thrives in damp, cold places. As an infant, the only child of Stannis Baratheon was infected with greyscale. Otherwise, Stone Men are not thought of as violent but are pitied for their misery, although they are still shunned for being infectious.[3][5]. If you are a curious soul and wondering what is Greyscale, then keep on reading. This was the toughest. The wildlings still consider people who survive greyscale "unclean", and will euthanize any child that shows the symptoms. As it spreads, it leaves the flesh cracked and flaking, and hard to the touch like stone. Later on Shireen is escorted and tied to a pyre where she is sacrificed to the Lord of Light by Melisandre, who does so without remorse. Princess Shireen Baratheon caught greyscale as an infant and survived, but the ordeal left half of her face disfigured by the disease.[2]. The burning of Shireen, however, is the first major character death confirmed to take place in an unpublished novel. Her main "value" is in her status as Stannis's heir. While telling her of the disaster at Blackwater Bay, Shireen asks for Davos, calling him by his traditional soubriquet, "The Onion Knight". With her husband Clifford Swann, Shireen had two children Davos Baratheon and Gowen Baratheon. {Petyr Baratheon} (stillborn){Tommard Baratheon} (stillborn){Edric Baratheon} (stillborn) Portrayed by Her father is the head of House Baratheon of Dragonstone and has declared himself King on the Iron Throne. Shireen Baratheon Doesn't Die In The 'GoT' Books. In this respect, greyscale is loosely also similar to smallpox: people who contracted smallpox could recover from it, but they might be left with permanent and severe scarring. Shireen claims that she is unafraid, and promises to protect him. According to Kerry Ingram (who plays Shireen), originally it took about three hours to apply the full Greyscale scarring makeup to the left side of her face, and about another two and a half hours to take it off. Last seen Unable to fulfill their oaths to attack Troy, the seer Calchas tells Agamemnon that the only way to appease the gods so that they will calm the winds and let the fleet leave is if he sacrifices the life of his daughter Iphigenia. [4], Greyscale makes the surface of the skin harden and calcify, but in the early stages it is still fairly thin and brittle, so the body's movement makes the hardened tissue split into a network of cracks. In some versions, Iphigenia is not actually sacrificed, but is saved by Artemis at the last moment and taken to Taurica. She is infected with Greyscale. While Shireen Baratheon was introduced in Season 3, no direct explanation was provided for the cause of her disfigurement in on-screen dialogue - meaning that it wasn't entirely confirmed that the disease was also called "Greyscale" in the TV continuity. An infected person can survive like this for years, living in misery as one of the Stone Men. The desperate nature of Stannis' position suddenly becomes clear. Death shown in episode There is no mentioning in the books of anyone who has fully recovered from the disease, without any trace of disfigurement. April 26, 2019 by Karenna Meredith. Season 5 - Episode 9 "Dance of Dragons" Rewind. The victims are disfigured, but also rendered immune to the fatal form of greyscale, or the rare swift epidemic form of the disease known as grey plague. Shireen might have inherited some of these abilities, as she mentions that she frequently has dreams about dragons (despite having never seen a live one), though this might just be because she is an imaginative little girl who grew up in a castle filled with dragon-shaped statues and gargoyles. As far as we know, these are the only ways greyscale can be transmitted. Shireen tries to defend Gilly, but Selyse criticizes her for being naive despite all the knowledge she has gained from her books. Notes: When I started writing this series, the second and third story came very easily. GREYSCALE, THE CURSE PLACED ON THE DRAGONLORDS OF VALYRIA . Though visibly horrified after learning what truly happened to Shireen, Jon does not execute Melisandre, but banishes her from the North, declaring that she will be hanged as a murderer if she ever returns, while Davos, admitting that he loved Shireen like a daughter, warns Melisandre that he will be the one to personally hang her. Greyscale, also known as "Prince Garin's curse"[1], is a dreaded and usually fatal disease that can leave flesh stiff and dead, and the skin cracked and flaking, and stone-like to the touch. Shireen is the daughter and heir of Stannis Baratheon. If, in the books, Stannis does eventually panic and attempt to use fire to cure Shireen’s greyscale, he may be distracted enough that he is killed off as well. When Shireen was an infant, she contracted the dreaded disease known as Greyscale, which is usually fatal. She contracted the lethal greyscale disease as a child, disfiguring her by leaving the left side of her cheek and most of her neck covered by grey, cracked, and stone-like skin. Greyscale is relatively uncommon in Westeros, although it does occur from time to time both in the Seven Kingdoms and Beyond the Wall. [SPOILERS] Shireen Baratheon. She inherited the unattractive features of both the Baratheons and Florents: the square jutting jaw of her father, and the large ears of her mother. It was only first mentioned by name in the updated HBO Viewer's Guide for Season 4, confirming the name. Shireen brings Davos a book about Aegon the Conqueror to pass the time, but the Onion Knight admits he cannot read. Greyscale is considered a death sentence if contracted as an adult, though children have a slightly better chance of surviving it - though only in the sense that a handful of children have occasionally been cured of the disease. If it hurts, that person are safe; if that person can no longer feel the knife, it means they have greyscale, and should cut that body part (it is better to lose a toe than a foot). It nearly killed her, but she survived, though not completely: the disease horribly disfigured her, leaving a swath of flesh on her left cheek and neck visibly dead, grey and flaking. Some useful information: This blog is a sideblog to overestimatedfailure. "Mother’s Mercy""Book of the Stranger""The Winds of Winter""Stormborn" Jorah Mormont was the only other known survivor of Greyscale, and unlike Shireen made a full recovery. . [5], Jorah Mormont and Daario Naharis travel to Vaes Dothrak to rescue Daenerys Targaryen. An unlikely heroine saves her. A large area around the ruins of Chroyane, north of Volantis, in Essos is even used as a large-scale colony for "Stone men", the name for those infected with greyscale. Adults infected with greyscale can live a year or two, sometimes five, and it is not unknown for a few to live another ten years, but it always kills them in the end. Shireen writes a letter to the Iron Bank. Greyscale kills very slowly, leaving its victims to suffer as their flesh deteriorates. Stannis is also somewhat troubled that he has no male heir to carry on the Baratheon dynasty - which is a serious concern in the male-line inheritance system of the Seven Kingdoms, as there are those who would opportunistically challenge succession through a daughter. In the books, Melisandre is still insistent on burning a sacrifice of royal blood (to the point that before his death Jon fears that she might want to burn Maester Aemon, because he is a Targaryen and specifically the son of a ruling king). [14], In Winterfell, Davos confronts Melisandre in front of Jon. Stannis asks his daughter if she is lonely, but Shireen is simply bored. Her as escaping her lonely life through stories in books name in the books full recovery and... A wildling girl in ruined cities in Essos, such as Old VALYRIA this treatment n't! 'S most trusted advisor, Davos walks not far from Jon 's camp the day before the of! 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