.ui-menu-item{ Released 23 July 2002 on Eyeball (catalog no. }); Album Rating: 2.5I too have been majorly pissed off at this record at times. Album Rating: 2.5Good stuff. font-size:12px; Ich habe mir 'I brought you my bullets, you brought me your love' erst später als den Nachfolger 'Three cheers for sweet revenge' zugelegt. }); $('#slidebox').hide(); Album Rating: 3.0The first few tracks are good and one or two near the end, but the middle songs drag. googletag.defineSlot('/171684353/Sputnik_728x90', [728, 90], 'div-gpt-ad-1452878747555-1').addService(googletag.pubads()); googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest(); I think those who would prefer this album over their later efforts most probably like heavier music (metal and/or hardcore). Genre: Post-Hardcore. }); good review posed it blah blah.This Message Edited On 07.01.08, Album Rating: 2.0Thanks for the pos ILIKEMUSICTHATSUCKS. EB-022; CD). Plus, it's all of 2 minutes long. Unlike future MCR albums to come, I Brought You Bullets misses the grandiose of its successors and focuses more on the "emotion-through-tone" aspect. But back before there were black-on-black band uniforms and stop-motion music videos, there was a little debut album called I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love (IBYMB, YBMYL). #slideshow { Community. _comscore.push({ c1: "2", c2: "6772046" }); }); text-align: right; Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love at Amazon.com. Feel my wrath. It's not so much simply timeless as it is a capturing of one moment in time, forever, that truly feels like lightning in a bottle. Visit the true version at sputnikmusic.com"); 'use strict';var g=function(a){var b=0;return function(){return be;e++){var f=c.concat(d[e].split(""));K[e]=f;for(var k=0;k>2;n=(n& Watch out dude, thats pretty darn hot. Released 23 July 2002 on Eyeball (catalog no. M.prototype.h=N?function(){var a=Uint8Array.prototype.toJSON;Uint8Array.prototype.toJSON=function(){var b;void 0===b&&(b=0);if(!L){L={};for(var c="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789".split(""),d=["+/=","+/","-_=","-_. return; #slideshow #controls { Good name for songs but pretty mediocre work from all of them padding: 10px; $('a#slide2').click(function() { It's clearly a great song deep down, but I get frustrated with it believing it could be so much better. 3)<<4|t>>4;t=(t&15)<<2|h>>6;h&=63;f||(h=64,e||(t=64));c.push(b[k],b[n],b[t]||"",b[h]||"")}return c.join("")};try{return JSON.stringify(this.a&&this.a,S)}finally{Uint8Array.prototype.toJSON=a}}:function(){return JSON.stringify(this.a&&this.a,S)};var S=function(a,b){return"number"!==typeof b||!isNaN(b)&&Infinity!==b&&-Infinity!==b?b:String(b)};M.prototype.toString=function(){return this.a.toString()};var T=function(a){O(this,a)};u(T,M);var U=function(a){O(this,a)};u(U,M);var ja=function(a,b){this.c=new B(a);var c=R(b,T,5);c=new y(w,Q(c,4)||"");this.b=new ea(a,c,Q(b,4));this.a=b},ka=function(a,b,c,d){b=new T(b?JSON.parse(b):null);b=new y(w,Q(b,4)||"");C(a.c,b,3,!1,c,function(){ia(function(){F(a.b);d(!1)},function(){d(!0)},Q(a.a,2),Q(a.a,3),Q(a.a,1))})};var la=function(a,b){V(a,"internal_api_load_with_sb",function(c,d,e){ka(b,c,d,e)});V(a,"internal_api_sb",function(){F(b.b)})},V=function(a,b,c){a=l.btoa(a+b);v(a,c)},W=function(a,b,c){for(var d=[],e=2;ec?0:c}else c=-1;0!=c&&(W(a.b,"internal_api_sb"),Z(a,Q(a.a,6)))},function(c){Z(a,c?Q(a.a,4):Q(a.a,5))})},Z=function(a,b){a.c||(a.c=!0,a=new l.XMLHttpRequest,a.open("GET",b,!0),a.send())};(function(a,b){l[a]=function(c){for(var d=[],e=0;e=b||null!=a.a&&0!=a.a.offsetHeight&&0!=a.a.offsetWidth||(fa(a),D(a),l.setTimeout(function(){return E(a,b-1)},50))},fa=function(a){var b=a.c;var c="undefined"!=typeof Symbol&&Symbol.iterator&&b[Symbol.iterator];b=c?c.call(b):{next:g(b)};for(c=b.next();!c.done;c=b.next())(c=c.value)&&c.parentNode&&c.parentNode.removeChild(c);a.c=[];(b=a.a)&&b.parentNode&&b.parentNode.removeChild(b);a.a=null};var ia=function(a,b,c,d,e){var f=ha(c),k=function(n){n.appendChild(f);l.setTimeout(function(){f? { "It's not inventive, it's not extremely unique, but my God, is it fun." slots: [{ Album Rating: 2.0Nothing like an MCR review to bring on the mixed feedback. This could get us back to our little difference of opinion between the two 30 Seconds to Mars albums... Haha. I can list quite a few other bands where I prefer their more recent stuff, but many believe they have got worse. } }); I've not heard any MCR, nor do I ever plan on doing so. I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love, an Album by My Chemical Romance. The instrumentals are often times brooding and fast-moving without much work done on them to clean up. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love at Amazon.com. top: 0; he's so greedy, he already has the #2 spot with his old account. I brought you my bullets created a dark and dreary world in which many directionless teenagers lost themselves in, including me, once upon a time. width: 100%; slotName: '/171684353/Sputnik_728x90', //example: '12345/leaderboard-1' I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love, an Album by My Chemical Romance. } EB-022; CD). z-index:999; Fair call MCP3000. Album Rating: 2.0Thanks Dave (ATAVANHALEN). el.parentNode.insertBefore(s, el); apstag.init({ (null===c||"object"!=typeof c||Array.isArray(c)||N&&c instanceof Uint8Array)){a.g=b-a.f;a.c=c;break a}}a.g=Number.MAX_VALUE}a.i={}},P=[],Q=function(a,b){if(b
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