Story The story of Krishna and Kāliya is told in the sixteenth chapter of the Tenth Canto of the Bhagavata Purana. A Farmer walked through his field one cold winter morning. In one, Thor fishes for Jormungand, and fails to pull him up only when the giant Hymir, terrified that this will bring about Ragnarok, severs the line, sending the snake back down to the depths. The weekend’s events showed how the different sides of Trumpism converge into catastrophe. Instead he said, "Donald Trump!" The fox was intelligent; she thought for a few minutes and then laid out a brilliant plan before them. A Short Story : The Holy Snake. Dive into the world of Chinese folk tales with the myth of the white snake, a story of the demon Bai Su Zhen and her love, Xu Xian. This is false. Spicer did as he was told. They don’t understand this country. Trump has maintained, since November, that fraud cost him the popular vote. A movie premiering on HBO Max will tell the story of an Alabama preacher who is in prison after being convicted of trying to kill his wife with a snake. He has begun his presidency by spending political capital on projects that either distract from Ryan’s priorities — like building a wall on the Mexican border or sparking nationwide protests over a refugee ban — or directly violate them, like spending a trillion dollars on infrastructure. And they have no one to blame but themselves. He carefully picked up the snake, took it close to his chest, and carried him back to the woods, to his home to die. Its rollout caused chaos at airports, which didn’t know how to handle affected travelers who had already landed on American soil but had no choice but to implement the new directive. Brown’s family hit out at the President in a previous statement accusing him of “perversely” using the ong, adding that the writer "never had anything against immigrants". If that was the New York Times, they would've gotten Pulitzer Prizes for their reporting. Everyday, children would come remove his house and throw stones him. “And you know the President is watching.”. There is nothing unexpected about his insistence that he really won the popular vote and Hillary Clinton’s margin was the result of fraud. Werfen wir unseren Blick darauf, was andere Personen über das Präparat zu erzählen haben. Petey lived in a pit with his mother. The snake … What happens when your negative thoughts get out of control? Additions as simple as a delayed start date would have avoided much of the confusion, if not the backlash. The story is recorded in both Greek and Latin sources. The fable of the snake, in Trump’s rallies, was about Syrian refugees. Most assumed Trump would drop this lunacy as president. I think he's a lovely guy. Nevertheless, he is now deeply implicated. What they hear is we're going to have a saner, more sensible immigration policy. It featured prominently during his 2016 election campaign and has been read out on several occasions since Trump took office. Nor were the most basic preparations made throughout the government to prepare for this sharp shift in policy. They got OJ, they got Edwards. You probably need a better mask, too. White Snake changed into a very beautiful girl, named BAI Su-Zheng (Qing Yi). Now it so happened that on this very day the queen lost her most beautiful ring, and suspicion of having stolen it fell upon this trusty servant, who was allowed to go everywhere. All through history snakes have been both good and evil. In the days after the election. So, assuming the story of snake tattoos is true, and assuming the myth began back then, it's easy to see how the story changed. This Short Story The Holy Snake is quite interesting to all the people. The Snake actually started life as a song recorded by soul singer Al Wilson in 1968. Soon after, Trump made it clear he intends to use the full force of the presidency to prosecute his obsession: I will be asking for a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD, including those registered to vote in two states, those who are illegal and.... even, those registered to vote who are dead (and many for a long time). As Ryan Evans wrote at War on the Rocks, “The order was signed in the building Mattis runs and — as Trump intended — Mattis is in all of the pictures.”. He intends to use the results of that investigation to “strengthen up voting procedures,” which, when combined with the predilections of his attorney general and congressional majority, probably means targeting minority voters’ access to the polls. He then handed the document to his new defense secretary when he finished. It was the snake (Satan) that tempted Eve with an apple and caused them to be kicked out of the beautiful Garden of Eden. The lack of discipline troubled even senior members of Mr. Trump’s circle, some of whom had urged him not to indulge his simmering resentment at what he saw as unfair news coverage. In chapter 3, the serpent comes into the story. Trump loves recounting the story. Take House Speaker Paul Ryan. If Trump would listen to nothing else, he would listen to the plurality that voted against him, and to the polls that showed him dipping into historically unpopular territory. So Petey went outside of the pit to hiss. They are implicated in everything he does. Bannon and Trump appear to have taken his victory as a popular validation of their approach. Although the Aztecs revered snakes as symbols of wisdom and creation, the first missionaries reinterpreted the image. Here are some historic examples: In the Christian bible, the story of Adam and Eve being tempted by the evil snake. He has killed the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and his nominee for Treasury secretary, Steve Mnuchin, has promised that there will be no reduction in the taxes the rich pay. I'm a therapist and have used that story … "The Snake" is a song written and first recorded by civil-rights activist Oscar Brown in 1963, which became a hit single by American singer Al Wilson in 1968. Enjoy reading this story. He wanted to slash spending on Medicare, Medicaid, and, though he has been vague on the details since ascending to House leadership, Social Security. Trump is the same man he was during the campaign. So when they hear things like the Muslim comment or the wall comment, or things like that, the question is not are you going to build a wall like the Great Wall of China, or how exactly are you going to enforce these tests. But I think one thing that should be distinguished here is that the media is always is taking Trump literally. Your financial contribution will not constitute a donation, but it will enable our staff to continue to offer free articles, videos, and podcasts to all who need them. The snake rode him around the pond, and the king was very entertained. “I want you to quote this. But the most grievous blow Trump has inflicted on his allies is on their potential place in history. But we're still totally freaked out by snakes, and that's fine. TRUMP: They’ve been horribly treated. Asking the snake why he tricked her, the reptile replies that the “silly woman” knew “damn well” what it was when she took it in. We knew damn well what Trump was when we took him in. On the ground lay a Snake, stiff and frozen with the cold. Those who confidently told the country to take Trump seriously but not literally should be ashamed of themselves. They didn’t understand why Trump is the president. Throughout the campaign, Ryan made clear he thought Trump a loose cannon, an embarrassment, and possibly a racist. One day Petey was hissing in the pit when his mother said: 'Petey, don't hiss in the pit, go outside the pit to hiss." We're going to try to figure out how do we strike the right balance between cost and benefits. “I looked out, the field was, it looked like a million, million and a half people,” he insisted, speaking in a room devoted to honoring those who had fallen in service to their country. Vox’s work is reaching more people than ever, but our distinctive brand of explanatory journalism takes resources. One day, a snake came to live near the lake. “I don’t want his endorsement,” Trump said. Except I might have pointed it out, but it had nothing to do with me, I have no control over anything. But now his intuitions, grudges, impulses, and obsessions are backed by the full force of the executive branch and everyone who works for it. Just before he laid the rattlesnake down, the rattlesnake turned and bit him in the chest. There was also a mongoose living nearby. Petey was a snake only so big. I recently interviewed J.D. A Farmer walked through his field one cold winter morning. This would help them remember that God would take care of them. The real answer is likely simpler. I've always said, "Why didn't the National Enquirer get the Pulitzer Prize for Edwards, and OJ Simpson, and all of these things?". There are many reasons Trump is president, but the one that towers above them all — the one without which he simply would not be president — is the Electoral College. On July 21, Trump took the stage at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland to accept his party’s nomination for the presidency. The woman, dying, asks why. Man And Snake Moral Story (Reading Time: 00:42) A man saw when a snake was dying burned and decided to take it out of the fire, but when it did, the snake bit him. Now they’re getting arrested. He wanted immigration reform and renewed Republican outreach to minority voters. Its sloppy drafting was predictable given candidate Trump’s persistent disinterest in policy details or policy advisers. COPYRIGHT © 2021. Please also read our Privacy Notice and Terms of Use, which became effective December 20, 2019. His policies have aligned with his promises. His son, Somadutta was always asking for more money. It was, and remains, the strangest thing I have ever seen in American politics. He had won. He worked hard but was not able to earn much. Trump didn’t even take the time to have the State Department change the refugee arrivals sections of its website, which currently states that the US “is proud of its history of welcoming immigrants and refugees. That makes those individuals grow more dependent on the leader and less likely to mount independent rebellions against the structure of command. If you use drugs you may have a few nice sunsets, but one day the drugs will get you. It never takes him seriously but it always takes him literally. “If he gives it, I will not accept it. The result is more extreme, less careful, policymaking. Others took offense. The refugee program, or the refugee changes you’re looking to make. The bite was deadly and the Farmer felt that he must die. Despite issuing a cease and desist letter, Trump has continued reciting the lyrics at rallies. He brought them into the wilderness, to the same mountain where He revealed Himself to Moses, so that He could instruct them in what He required of … Donald Trump has only been president for 10 days. As it relates to persecuted Christians, do you see them as kind of a priority here? Similarly, Trump said he wanted a ban on Muslims and said he wanted a ban on Syrian refugees, and the executive order he signed Friday night reflects both promises. The snake said if I did we both would drown. They still do not understand why Donald Trump is the president of the United States.”. And now it is too late to stop him. Please consider making a contribution to Vox today, from as little as $3. Civil servants who have to carry out Trump’s sloppily drafted directives do not get the luxury of taking Trump seriously rather than literally: It is their job to follow the law, and they need to figure out what the law is. So Muslim refugees from Iraq, Iran, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, Somalia, Sudan, and Libya are barred, but Christian refugees are not. “My dear friend, since the arrival of the snake, my bad time has started. President Donald Trump read the lyrics of an anti-immigrant song titled “The Snake” on Friday, reverting to a campaign staple that Trump has used to criticize United States’ immigration policy. The cause of the poorly drafted order and government-wide confusion quickly came clear: CNN reported that the text wasn’t run through the Office of Legal Counsel and that the Department of Homeland Security’s objections were overruled by members of Trump’s inner circle. That Trump should be taken seriously but not literally quickly became a favored shield among his more grounded supporters. The ancient symbol of snake eating a baby is the Biscione (Italian for large grass snake), also known as the Vipera (venomous viper), is depicted in the act of consuming a human child. Lang titles this story "The Enchanted Snake," and he does not credit Basile with its authorship. House GOP source says exec order is supposed to have exemption for ppl in transitSeems clear rollout allowed much confusion among agencies. Sign up for the Both Trump and his chief strategist appear to have cocooned themselves in a world of friendly media, conspiracy theories, and imagined enemies. Just so you understand. However, the true meaning of the poem appears to have been lost on the President. In the US, the hit version of "The Snake" was released in 1968, on Johnny Rivers' Soul City Records.. Wilson's single made the Top 30 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1968, and due to exposure on the UK Northern Soul scene made the UK Singles Chart in … Trump, among other things, now controls the Justice Department, which is about to be run by Jeff Sessions, a longtime critic of the Voting Rights Act. Years pass after this incident, and the white snake has now adopted the name Bai Suzhen (白素贞 Bái Sùzhēn) and the green Xiao Qing (小青 Xiǎo Qīng). The serpent is described as being “more subtle [that is, crafty] than any other wild creature.” The serpent convinces Eve that God did not really mean what he said to Adam about not eating of the one tree, and after taking a good look at the tree, Eve samples its fruit. His tendency to wield bizarre conspiracy theories against his opponents. Bannon is telling the media they need to understand this country, but are Bannon and Trump trying to do the same? The story of Boitatá Operation and “Princess Diamond” - The One Million Dollar Snake (English Edition) Big Leg Woman (feat. During the Qingming Festival (清明节 Qīngmíng jié), they coincidentally meet Xu Xian at the Broken Bridge, and Bai SuZhen eventually gets married to him. The snake said you knew I was a snake. Here are terrifying true stories of encounters with deadly snakes. He did not. Its iconographic origins date back to paleochristian times, to the biblical story of Jonah and the Leviathan in the act of swallowing (and/or … He's going to fix the system that allows other people to get ahead of them in line,’” says Vance. Here’s how the press takes that story. A “tender-hearted” woman finds a wounded snake on the road. The bite was deadly and the Farmer felt that he must die. She said, “Listen carefully and do it as per the plan. So here, then, is where we are: Trump looks ready to devote the resources of the federal government to a biased investigation meant to prove he really won the popular vote. His bet had paid off. The crows replied, “We are in a big problem. The Snake and The Foolish Frogs : Once a snake who had grown weak with old age came across a pond where many frogs lived with their king, queen and little prince. You wouldn’t know it from his last speech before leaving office. — I had nothing to do with it! It was who he was in the general election. Taking pity on it, he picks it up and places it within his coat. Some took it as an opportunity for further self-laceration. While the supposed anti-immigration message at the heart of the Trump administration, which includes a crackdown on undocumented Irish in the US – it would appear that the true meaning of the poem has been lost in translation. This is something I’ve heard from elsewhere in the government too. The sun had not set on Trump’s day of triumph before he went in front of the cameras and revived his insane accusation that Ted Cruz’s father was involved in John F. Kennedy’s assassination. Even before the weekend’s events, Donald Trump’s young presidency was bedeviled by, well, Donald Trump. Here, for instance, was venture capitalist Peter Thiel, responding to a question about Trump’s proposed Muslim ban: I don't support a religious test. His desire for vengeance against those he feels wronged by. With new virus variants spreading, it’s probably time to stop. Dear Ann Landers: Please reprint the letter about the girl who picked up a poisonous snake and it bit her. The Washington Post published a similar story based on “interviews with nearly a dozen senior White House officials and other Trump advisers and confidants,” none of whom sounded reassured by Trump’s fixation on the size of his inauguration crowd. Do you know if you were a Christian in Syria it was impossible, at least very tough to get into the United States? Story of Petey, the Snake This is the story about a poor little snake named "Petey." Tell the Muslims trying to flee the hell of Aleppo, or the Iraqi translators who helped the American military and are now targeted in their home country, that Trump should be taken seriously, but not literally. I will not accept it. Trump does not trust the bureaucracy — perhaps with reason, given the number of leaks and subtweets in his first week — and so he’s locking them out of processes they would normally help manage. He can use their party and benefit from their protection so long as he wields his power in service of their agenda. They came to West Lake of Hang Zhou (Hangchow) for a visit. But he endorsed him anyway. The way Trump is at his most sensitive when he is at his most powerful. The viper, revived by the warmth, bites his rescuer, who dies realizing that it is his own fault. Abandoned by the center and hated by the left, he is finding his cheers far on the right. We seek your help in this matter.” They narrated the whole story to the fox. Every day at Vox, we aim to answer your most important questions and provide you, and our audience around the world, with information that empowers you through understanding. Over the past week, I’ve been reflecting on something Steve Bannon, the ex-Breitbart CEO who has become Trump’s chief strategist, said. Instead, he is making them his. Trump made a point of signing the executive order at the Pentagon moments after Mattis was sworn in. newsletter. More significantly still, it was actually penned by a noted civil rights activist, Oscar Brown who wrote it as a "celebration of black culture and a repudiation of racism". Either no one was willing to tell Trump that forcing Spicer to echo this absurdity would damage his future effectiveness or the president simply didn’t care. Question: "Why is a bronze serpent used to save the Israelites in Numbers 21:8-9?" “When he makes claims like this,” Zito said, “the press takes him literally, but not seriously; his supporters take him seriously, but not literally.”. In the former, the farmer dies reproaching himself "for pitying a scoundrel," while in the version by On the ground lay a Snake, stiff and frozen with the cold. But Trump lost the popular vote by about as much as George W. Bush won it in 2004 — and that election prompted a national round of soul searching on the part of Democrats fearful they had permanently lost touch with their country. Biden’s key national security picks had their confirmation hearings. His actions have aligned with his history. Where the path wended across the ridge, the bushes of huckleberry and sweet fern swarmed at it in two curling waves until it … The deal Republican elites made with Donald Trump has always been cynical. The comments reportedly took aback everyone in attendance. Already, Trump’s deportations have been stopped by a Brooklyn judge who skewered the government for its complete lack of preparation. We know a lot more now than we did as cave dwellers, so we can tell which snakes are less dangerous to us. By choosing I Accept, you consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies. A “tender-hearted” woman finds a wounded snake on the road. It was a stunning moment — he had done what everyone said he couldn’t do. The fable goes like this. Promoting such chains of lies is a classic tactic when a leader distrusts his subordinates and expects to continue to distrust them in the future. The Capitol rioters put themselves all over social media. His father. Es ist jeder Snake story dauerhaft auf im Lager und kann somit sofort geliefert werden. Everything Trump is doing has been enabled by Ryan and his colleagues. Trump believes the polls are rigged, the crowds are yuge, and the popular vote was his. Depending on results, we will strengthen up voting procedures! Republicans knew damn well what Trump was when they took him in. The little boy cried out and threw the snake upon the ground. Long ago, in a small village lived Vishnudutta, a poor Brahmin farmer. In a Friday interview with David Brody from the Christian Broadcasting Network, Trump made the subtext text: BRODY: Persecuted Christians, we’ve talked about this, the refugees overseas. Now he wanted Spicer, in his official role as press secretary and surrounded by the official trappings of his office, to do the same. His anger at being held accountable for his own words and actions. Were they surprised? Snakes have been associated with some of the oldest rituals known to humankind and represent dual expression of good and evil. On the ground lay a Snake, stiff and frozen with the cold. Unsere Redaktion hat verschiedene Produzenten verglichen und wir präsentieren Ihnen hier alle Resultate des Vergleichs. The latter sentiment is made the moral in Medieval versions of the fable. It’s not the first time the President has read out the poem. The Republican Party hoped to make Trump one of them. Here’s what to know. “The media should be embarrassed and humiliated and keep its mouth shut and just listen for a while,” Bannon told the New York Times. What happens when your negative thoughts get out of control? All I did was point out that on the cover of the National Enquirer there was a picture of him and crazy Lee Harvey Oswald having breakfast. President Trump’s insistence that the ban was “working out very nicely” — spoken as chaos engulfed the nation’s airports — was typical for a man who believes what he wants to believe and sees what he wants to see. Moses was to put the bronze snake on a pole so all the people could see it. The Farmer knew how deadly the Snake could be, and yet he picked it up and put it in his bosom to warm it back to life. Donald Trump just issued a surprise pardon for the man at the center of an epic fight between Google and Uber. Things take a turn for the worse, however, when after nursing the snake back to health, the serpent bites her, infecting the woman with a deadly poison in the process. (Image credit: … The new HBO doc ‘Alabama Snake’ is the fascinating story of Glenn Summerford, a Pentecostal minister who wanted his wife dead — and the enduring allure of the bizarre crime that followed There are many ways to approach Alabama Snake, the compelling documentary that premieres on December 9th on HBO and HBO Max. (Image credit: Grace Pryor and David Hu, New York University) “Does that make sense to anyone?” Trump says to cheers. I think a lot of the voters who vote for Trump take Trump seriously but not literally. The Snake soon revived, and when it had enough strength, bit the man who had been so kind to it. Exactly how dangerous became clear a few days later. How much Mattis knew about the text is unclear, but given the process, it seems safe to assume he wasn’t intimately familiar with its details. But the comment was more interesting for what it says about Bannon and the man he serves. Top staff who want to remain in Trump’s good graces must compete to show they serve his will and are not mere careerists. Ryan told associates that he was thrilled — Trump’s strange campaign had opened the door to Ryan’s agenda. The Snake soon revived, and when it had enough strength, bit the man who had been so kind to it. Trump reads the xenophobic "The Snake" poem for the first time during a rally this election cycle, — Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) November 2, 2020. The snake, revived, bites her. “In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide,” he tweeted, “I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally.”. There is a story Donald Trump liked to tell on the campaign trail. The media performs a crucial function in the working of American democracy, and Bannon’s declaration of war chilled them. Precisely zero Syrian refugees have launched terrorist attacks against the United States of America. Based on a mistranslation of Aztec texts, the snake was later added to the story by the Spanish. After reaching the other side the snake bit him. Less than 24 hours later, Trump held a press conference lashing out at Ted Cruz, who had pointedly refused to endorse him at the convention. I don't know his father, I met him once. So, the story is this: One night after closing time a snake found its way inside a home improvement store… As the snake slithered around… it clipped itself on a hand saw that was lying on the ground. It’s a little hard to do, because it looks like him. Bannon is demanding the media listen to the voters but has no interest in doing so himself. A direct Muslim ban would likely be unconstitutional — and it would certainly be indefensible — and so Trump has instead banned refugees from seven majority-Muslim countries, but left a loophole for “religious minorities” from these countries. The lyrics describe the story of a woman who takes a snake into her home after discovering it freezing to death outside her home. And that makes them much more dangerous. Trump’s circle, the Post reported, worried his “ascent to the White House seems to have only heightened his acute sensitivity to criticism.”. But nobody ever denied — did anyone ever deny that it was his father? He has made the promise — which is incompatible with Republican priorities — that his health care plan will offer insurance to everybody, and will come with lower deductibles than Obamacare. 7 Shocking Snake Stories Corn snakes, like this one, were found to be infected with an intestinal parasite potentially fatal to them. Find out a plan by which we get out with the snake,” said the scared swan. Now, Ted never denied that it was his father. He was the GOP nominee now. Snake story zu erproben - vorausgesetzt, dass Sie von den günstigen Angeboten des Produzenten nutzen ziehen - vermag eine durchaus aussichtsreiche Anregung zu sein. He said the Trans-Pacific Partnership was one of his top five priorities. But their agenda is not his agenda. In recent years, Ryan’s agenda has had a few consistent tenets. He puts on his reading glasses. The snake, too, proved himself a good entertainer by exhibiting various styles of crawling. You know the nature of drugs once you start abusing (using), and that nature never changes. The idea took hold among voters, too. He has signed an executive order beginning the building of a wall on the Mexican border, and his staff are incompetently, but nevertheless determinedly, floating ideas to make Mexico pay for it through tariffs and taxes. The executive order banning refugees from seven majority-Muslim countries, though cruel, is a softer version of the Muslim ban Trump campaigned on. The snake wanted to cross the river and asked a beaver but the beaver said no cause you will bite me. Trump’s presidency is only 10 days old, and already we are snake-bit. The beaver said, why? There is nothing Trump has done that should surprise. Vance, author of Hillbilly Elegy, who reflected on how his family members who know and love undocumented immigrants interpreted Trump’s promises. But they are too afraid to run from it, either. Dollar snake auszuprobieren - wenn Sie von den tollen Aktionen des Herstellers profitieren - ist eine gescheite Entscheidung. Donald Trump’s favorite story perfectly describes his first 10 days in office. The story is recorded in both Greek and Latin sources. All of this was, of course, predictable. The serpent, or snake, is one of the oldest and most widespread mythological symbols in the history of Earth. A Farmer walked through his field one cold winter morning. The story of the snake Once upon a time in India there was a snake who lived under a stone. He won the election, at least in part, because top Republicans like Ryan consolidated the party behind Trump. Stories connect us to the time-tested wisdom of the world's peoples--and teach spiritual and moral lessons we want to pass on to our kids. They are making policy to appeal to the Breitbart base and telling themselves that their occupancy of the Oval Office means they were right all along. The Irish Post delivers all the latest Irish news to our online audience around the globe. But anyway, so they have a picture, an old picture, having breakfast with Lee Harvey Oswald. This is who Trump was in the primary. The most bizarre thing about Trump’s farewell speech is how normal it sounds. But he has shown that his administration will combine the worst ideas of his campaign with the worst aspects of his temperament. It is eating all my eggs! “‘Oh, shut up, silly woman,’ said the reptile with a grin. If anyone was bitten by a poisonous snake, they could look at the bronze snake and be made well. Chip in as little as $3 to help keep Vox free for all. Trump’s outburst was met with uncomfortable silence, and Chief of Staff Reince Priebus moved to change the subject. Some of Trump’s early Cabinet nominations seemed to buttress this view: His choice of retired Gen. Jim Mattis, a figure widely respected on both sides of the aisle, for Defense Secretary was taken as a particular comfort. Mattis, meanwhile, was quickly humbled upon joining the administration. His priorities them in line, ’ said the scared swan we the... Used that story call an impromptu press briefing that would permanently damage his credibility like this one, were to... In American politics rich and corporations pay less believes the polls are and... 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His top Aides, ” said the reptile with a grin lyrics at rallies replacement... Has inflicted on his watch verglichen und wir präsentieren Ihnen hier alle Resultate des.... Was quickly humbled upon joining the administration but not literally done what everyone he... Ever, but it always takes him literally to stand by him actually! Our newsletter in your inbox twice a week audience around the globe for that,... Side the snake, stiff and frozen with the cold I met him once against opponents. A threat… the snake. is recorded in both the process and the Farmer that. Presidency was bedeviled by, well, Donald Trump ’ s outburst was met with uncomfortable silence, and 's! Most basic preparations made throughout the campaign, a poor little snake named ``.... The saw des Herstellers profitieren - ist eine gescheite Entscheidung would come to mean the struggle between good and.... Have launched terrorist attacks against the United States. ” the deal Republican elites made with Donald Trump to. 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