I want to point out that the results of zip(*list_of_pairs) is not a pair of list but tuple. To perform this task, you have to pass the list directly in the for loop of Python. Tuple is one of 4 built-in data types in Python used to store collections of data, the other 3 are List, Set, and Dictionary, all with different qualities and usage.. A tuple is a collection which is ordered and unchangeable.. Tuples … So if I’m pairing with a “host” with a 4k monitor, Tuple will down sample the signal to match my settings. Since many of Zeal’s developers are r… Tools. Work remotely from anywhere. Here is the code: With more and more peo­ple being asked to work remote­ly to com­bat COVID-19, Tuple’s kind of dis­tance col­lab­o­ra­tion enables peo­ple to be effec­tive remote workers. Tools Remember when Slack stole Screenhero from us? We usually each have a work-only phone that doesn’t have any personal information / apps on them for this reason. Again, be careful of privacy concerns here. Our audio is low-latency and super clear. So very excited to be joined by Ben Orenstein, the CEO and cofounder of Tuple. Two heads are better than one. Remote control allows both parties to control the same computer, specifically both supply keyboard and mouse … There were other screen sharing solutions, but no other tool gave the kind of interactive session between two or more people that Screenhero offered. Cartoon by @vincentdnl, used with permission. If I’m hosting from a 15 in. Our team is distributed across the country and using Tuple has really helped synchronous connections on the team. We start by carefully choosing our tool to ensure maximum effectiveness of a pairing session. On this episode, we talk to Ben Oren­stein about Tuple, dubbed ​“The best remote pair pro­gram­ming app on macOS”. The first Android specific tip is again related to screen resolution. Effective remote pair programming. I have also started using a mouse highlighting tool. A tuple is a data structure that has a specific number and sequence of values. Ben: Thanks. We're in Boston, but remote is ok if you have substantial time-zone overlap. Die- Tuple Klasse stellt ein 2-Tupel-oder-Paar dar, bei dem es sich um ein Tupel mit zwei Komponenten handelt. If you used Screen Hero back in the day, or more recently the remote control tools in Slack then you may already be familiar with this concept. Our team uses Android Studio for development work. But when you create a tuple using … Turn off all OS-level animations. I’m not sure how things work in reverse. Headquarters: Boston, MA URL: https://tuple.app tl;dr: We're growing quickly and could use another excellent engineer with macOS experience to work with our CTO. Tuple. If you’ve ever tried to remote pair without these feature you know how frustrating it can be. Sadly there is no way to change font in other UI panes within Android Studio. The difference can be important in some cases (e.g. Unzip Tuple pairs in List Directly Without List Variable. I go one step further and re-open the browser in incognito / private mode so that I don’t leak browser history. When the host has a large monitor, it can be difficult for the client to see the small font. Communicating local and remote sockets are called socket pairs. A tool for programmers to pair on the same machine regardless of their location. A tuple is a collection of several elements that may or may not be related to each other. They really nailed the experience: zero friction to set up pairing sessions, very low latency, and just enough UI to get work done. All I need to do is to add an additional element. All I need to do is to add an additional element. – Causality Feb 29 '16 at 20:40 When Screenhero came along there was nothing filling the seamless pairing tool space. Safely remotely pair with a sandboxed dekstop environment. There’s just one problem with structs: they cannot be variadic (yet), and that’s when using tuples as API is somewhat acceptable, because we have nothing else at the moment. retina display, I assume the client is stuck with a max resolution equal to my 15 in. tmux Allows more than one person to connect to a single terminal session. Good names, however, transport a lot of information for readers of our code. Tuples are used to store multiple items in a single variable. Tuple: Remote pair programming app Tuple has become Shopify’s default remote pairing tool. Browse remote jobs at Tuple, learn about their mission, values and culture, and hiring process. Ben Orenstein Building Tuple, a macOS app for remote pair programming. Major brownie points to their team for promptly responding to user feedback as well. The following example uses the Create method to instantiate a 7-tuple. I personally don’t use my work machine for personal stuff, but I know that a lot of people do. So you should close any other programs that might be private: email, chat, browser tabs. My name is Jovian, your host for today and welcome to Arc's live webinar with Tuple, the best remote pair programming app on macOS that is also used by companies like Shopify, Basecamp, TaskRabbit, Intercom and more. The teams ️ it. Joel has been a MVP for a while, and he created the infrastructure that is used by the Scripting Games before they were turned over … That's the sort of thing Skype will never care about, but makes an enormous difference when trying to type on a remote machine. Tuple is a remote pair programming tool. Things can slow down much faster this way. Tuple is hiring remotely. Tuple is a remote pair programming tool. It's actually better than pairing in person I think. Jovian: Super excited to have you here. In this article, we will have a quick look at a really simple library that allows us to work with the tuple based data structures, named javatuples. #remote #working #pair-programming On this episode, we talk to Ben Oren­stein about Tuple, dubbed “ The best remote pair pro­gram­ming app on macOS”. If I want to create a 3-tuple (a triple), it works exactly the same way as creating a 2-tuple. Python comes with another method for developers for unpacking. As the host, you are exposing your whole computer to the client. Today, we have a guest blog post by Windows PowerShell MVP, Joel Bennett. Who we are Tuple is a macOS app for remote pair programming I even turn off MacOS notifications. And it can work just as well remotely so here are some tips. Because Tuple can share CMD + TAB input, it’s easy to accidentally switch windows as the client into the host’s other programs. Remote pair programmers meetup is a virtual meetup for finding pairs. If std:: is_trivially_destructible < Ti > :: value is true for every Ti in Types , the destructor of tuple is trivial. Great to be here. Browse remote jobs at Tuple, learn about their mission, values and culture, and hiring process. It allows for voice, camera, and screen sharing. Avoid hogging control of the hardware when pairing. According to the docs, the filter and generator solutions are functionally identical - both return an iterable of the original filtered by condition, and by this definition both are constant time.However, assuming the OP requires a tuple for output, the difference comes in the conversion back. So muting yourself when not talking has the added benefit of reducing network traffic. This helps the “navigator” keep track of where the “driver” is clicking, regardless of whether the driver is the host or client. More efficient. You can create a 2-tuple using two different ways: Using Tuple(T1, T2) Constructor; Using the Create method; Using Tuple(T1, T2) Constructor. Lastly, we use Vysor extensively on the Android team to view our physical Android devices on our monitors. It allows for voice, camera, and screen sharing. Tuple is hiring a remote Part-time Engineer. 1. We do too, and it made us . We then talk about the spe­cif­ic fea­tures of Tuple in terms of its CPU effi­cien­cy, lack of fric­tion, screen draw­ing, and remote con­trol that set it apart from the myr­i­ad of exist­ing screen shar­ing solutions. They allow you to talk and engage as comfortably and as naturally as possible. This is probably too high for most people. As discussed above, in the TCP case, a socket pair is associated on each end of the connection with a unique 4-tuple. The parentheses are optional, however, it is a good practice to use them.A tuple can have any number of items and they may be of different types (integer, float, list, string, etc. It is a generalization of std::pair . edit close. It is really helpful during our demo days, when we present new work to the whole engineering team. The client has full control over the host’s phone. The host can’t use this tool to call out something to the client. The teams ❤️ it. Tuple's Pair Programming Guide Tips, tutorials, and resources for thoughtful pair programmers. My name is Jovian, your host for today and welcome to Arc's live webinar with Tuple, the best remote pair programming app on macOS that is also used by companies like Shopify, Basecamp, TaskRabbit, Intercom and more. On this episode, we talk to Ben Oren­stein about Tuple, dubbed “ The best remote pair pro­gram­ming app on macOS”.. We dis­cuss why pair pro­gram­ming is such a help­ful thing to be doing, whether you’re work­ing remote­ly or even on-site togeth­er, in terms of learn­ing by observ­ing, which is what we pri­mates are geared for. We also plan to spend a ridiculous amount of effort on making things super low-latency. 2. make_tuple() :- make_tuple() is used to assign tuple with values. So instead we have setup on all of our machines the same two Android Studio keyboard shortcuts. display. Summary: Guest blogger, Windows PowerShell MVP, Joel Bennett talks about using tuples in Windows PowerShell. We ( Ben, Spencer, and Joel) founded the company 2 years ago because we hated pairing over Slack and Zoom. If I want to create a 3-tuple (a triple), it works exactly the same way as creating a 2-tuple. Tuple has become our default tool for remote pairing at Shopify. I was not paid or asked to give this review of Tuple. Wemux "enhances tmux to make multi-user multiplexing both easier and more powerful". But the magic sauce is that it allows for remote control too. Create is a helper method that you can call to instantiate a 7-tuple object without having to explicitly specify the types of its components. Pair programming is an old idea that’s counter-intuitive but refuses to go away because it actually works. Variadic Woes. This makes it really great when one person has an idea during a pairing session. I think for this to work the host would have to have their trackpad settings configured to match the client. append to it). I’ve found that this doesn’t translate well through Tuple. Even the best remote pairing tools on the fastest network connection will probably not capture enough of the mouse movement frames to accurately represent a mouse pointer “lasso”. A few more useful tips for remote pairing - Use wireless headsets. The image that follows illustrates creating a 2-tuple (pair) and accessing each of the elements. Tuple - The best remote pair programming app on macOS. I also host The Art of Product podcast. This is a part-time position that is 100% remote with no geographical restrictions. We’ve found it equally useful when remote pair programming through Tuple. My mostly remote team has been using Tuple since the private beta days. of local and remote socket addresses. Tuple - The best remote pair programming app on macOS. This is known as tuple packing.Creating a tuple with one element is a bit tricky.Having one element within parentheses is not enough. As of this writing Tuple is only available on MacOS. But the magic sauce is that it allows for remote control too. Who we are Tuple is a macOS app for remote pair programming Headquarters: Boston, MA URL: https://tuple.app tl;dr: We're growing quickly and could use another excellent engineer with macOS experience to work with our CTO. Don’t go off to look … Payments Engineer. See the example below contains the two lines of code to unpack tuple in the list. For example, [“RAM”, 16, “Astra”] is a tuple containing three elements. The best remote pair programming experience on macOS After Screenhero was acquired, we were sure someone would come along to make a tool specifically for pair programming. Full-time control for two. We dis­cuss why pair pro­gram­ming is such a help­ful thing to be doing, whether you’re work­ing remote­ly or even on-site togeth­er, in terms of learn­ing by observ­ing, which is what we pri­mates are geared for. Unlike Google Hangouts, you are not given the chance to share only one window. filter_none. I assume Tuple is smart enough to know the mic is off and not try to send an empty audio stream. Ben, welcome. I have my resolution default to “High (15 in. If you’re using someone else’s computer remotely then full-screen the Tuple app, and turn on the option to send Command-Tab so that you can feel like you’re directly using their computer. This includes my least favorite: minimizing items to the Dock. This helps cut down on wasted network bandwidth. Class template std::tuple is a fixed-size collection of heterogeneous values. The client driver can operate the host’s physical device, through Tuple. Out of the box Tuple will default to 4k resolution. Remote pair programming, also known as virtual pair programming or distributed pair programming, is pair programming in which the two programmers are in different locations, working via a collaborative real-time editor, shared desktop, or a remote pair programming IDE plugin. Tuple macOS only screen sharing tool tailored for pair programming. ).A tuple can also be created without using parentheses. It helps developers and programmers collaborate beyond generic screen-sharing apps, and without overloading your CPU. This includes a big monitor and a keyboard and mouse. Tuple is hiring remotely. This is the “client” resolution. This is a very common occurrence when remote pairing particularly if your pair is a less experienced developer or new to the team. A remote pair programming tool for people who hate latency. So this next one is Mac-specific. These animations just don’t translate well across network connection and end up looking janky and distracting to the client. Tuple lets you set this from the preference pane. Effective remote pair programming. Andrew Welch, Patrick Harrington, Jonathan Melville, Marion Newlevant, // Copyright ©2021 Andrew Welch, Patrick Harrington, From Pets To Plates: Why More People Are Eating Guinea Pigs. So we’ve taken to verbally establishing at the beginning of the call that we are both seeing / sharing the same display. Wiggling the mouse around to highlight a block of code or other part of the screen is guaranteed to confuse the other person. Tuple has become our default tool for remote pairing at Shopify. Tuple's Pair Programming Guide Tips, tutorials, and resources for thoughtful pair programmers. None of this is possible if you use std::pair or std::tuple in your APIs. The image that follows illustrates creating a 2-tuple (pair) and accessing each of the elements. Tuple has a bubble tool for pointing, but this only helps the client call out something to the host. I access the third element in the same way as I access the other elements. We set CMD + CTRL + Z and CMD + CTRL + X to zoom in and out of whichever editor pane is open. In C#, a 2-tuple is a tuple that contains two elements and it is also known as pair. So the list1 and list2 in the example should really be tuple1 and tuple2. But four years later, it still felt like no one had really nailed it. Pairing set-up It is just as important to have an effective pairing set-up remotely, as it is in the office. So very excited to be joined by Ben Orenstein, the CEO and cofounder of Tuple. There are several compelling reasons you should consider this strategy: 1. A tuple is created by placing all the items (elements) inside parentheses (), separated by commas. Tuple just rolled out a free trial option so you can give it a try without committing. Here is the code: We will continue to use Tuple to get great work done at Orion Labs and we’ll learn a lot more in the process. An emulator will work too but you are asking your machine to do more work this way: Run Android Studio, an emulator, and Tuple. The reason this is important to us is because we are a consultancy that prides itself in XP methodologies, including pair programming. Read on to check out our take on this new screen sharing tool! My team has been pairing with Tuple for almost a month now and the verdict is -- it's amazing. link brightness_4 code // C++ code to demonstrate tuple, get() and make_pair() #include #include // for tuple . play_arrow. I know I've already given them a shoutout, but here goes another: If you're doing any live code reviews or pair programming now that you're remote, I'd recommend you check out Tuple. Boston, Massachusetts 64 connections We dis­cuss why pair pro­gram­ming is such a help­ful thing to be doing, whether you’re work­ing remote­ly or even on-site togeth­er, in terms of learn­ing by observ­ing, which is what we pri­mates are geared for. Reading std::pair does not tell us anything except that there are some boolean value and an iterator crammed together in a single data structure. They can quickly hop in the driver seat and type out their idea instead of having to communicate it word-for-word. I thought I would share a few simple tips/tricks to get the most of the experience. If you're sick of pairing over Skype or Hangouts, drop us your email and we’ll let you know when Tuple is ready. In other words, tuples can be considered anonymous objects. The Tuple class represents a 2-tuple, or pair, which is a tuple that has two components. Apply for this job. ... Returns Tuple A 7-tuple whose value is (item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7).Remarks. We covered a lot of grounds in this session, including the benefits of pair programming in remote teams, best practices in pairing, the ups and downs of running a boots… If the driver encounters a hitch with the code, there will be two of them who’ll solve the problem. Tuple streams in glorious 5K so you can read your pair's tiny programming font. For this week’s episode, we’re going to replay our live AMA session with Ben Orenstein, co-founder and CEO of Tuple. Tuple can be a little finicky when the host has dual monitors. Next, I setup a keyboard shortcut to enable and disable the microphone. You can create 2-tuple using Tuple(T1, T2) constructor. The names pair and tuple are very generic by design. Common thinking is that it slows down the project completion time because you are effectively putting two programmers to develop a single program, instead of having them work independently on two different p… Creates a new tuple object. Each socket pair is described by a unique 4-tuple consisting of source and destination IP addresses and port numbers, i.e. Tuple is a macOS app for remote pair programming. Blown away by their commitment! The Android team at Orion Labs has been using Tuple for a few months now. I just like their stuff. This makes staying in the flow much easier with no need to regularly pull up the Tuple pane to toggle a mic button. Retina)” (talk about knowing your audience) since I mostly pair on my MacBook without an external monitor. ‎Welcome back! We believed that by focusing on remote pairing exclusively, we could create a tool that developers would actually like. Update #2: With this recent announcement from Slack, Tuples importance has grown. I access the third element in the same way as I access the other elements. Our daily work includes pairing with other members of our company and pairing with our client developers. So both people can trade off “driving”. This is a remote pairing problem in general, not specific to Tuple and I am as guilty as the next person of this: Trying to call out code by encircling it with the mouse. The values passed should be in order with the values declared in tuple. Joel Taylor. If you used Screen Hero back in the day, or more recently the remote control tools in Slack then you may already be familiar with this concept. Remote control allows both parties to control the same computer, specifically both supply keyboard and mouse input. 2. It initializes a new instance of the Tuple class. Tuple - The best remote pair programming app on macOS. Both people will have full control of the machine with their own mouse and keyboard. For a host to call out code I suggest just highlighting it. Ben, welcome. How to Build the Ultimate Remote Pair Programming Environment by Daniel P. Clark. Microsoft Scripting Guy, Ed Wilson, is here. Stay in the Loop Details we're sweating. This helps avoid confusion where both people are looking at different screens but thinking they are looking at the same screen. Even though I think Tuple is great, here are a few tips I’ve picked up over the last few months, including a few Android-specific ones, that should make the experience even better. Sadly the only out-of-the-box way to zoom the Android Studio editor window is with two finger pinch/zoom. Be Careful With Your Gradle Repository Declarations. Again related to each other contains the two lines of code or other of. Related to each other pairing tool was nothing filling the seamless pairing tool or. Tuple for a host to call out code I suggest just highlighting it RAM ” 16! 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