Notes and Editorial Reviews. There is even a parallel to Bach’s Christmas interpolations in the use of a vernacular text on the Virgin Mary – Of a Rose , which (like so much medieval religious art) likens Mary and her child to a flower springing from the stem of Jesse. Zelenka Missa Divi Xaverii. BM: Embedded within that short organ piece, written when Bach was in the early stages of his career, is the ancient tune the composer later used in a part of his Magnificat. Some of the program notes that appeared in our programs had to be shortened to fit in the space available. For he hath regarded the lowliness of his handmaiden. A short excerpt is shown below for each set of … It was a prestigious but demanding post, requiring him not only to teach at the school but also to play the organ, train the choir and compose the music for the city’s two principal Lutheran churches, Thomaskirche and … Bach overlays two obes in unison, playing slow notes - one note at a time - a portion of the ancient Gregorian chant melody of the Magnificat - to create a timeless, universial quality. And his mercy is on them that fear him throughout all … Program Notes b y Charlotte Nediger. Later, the work was revised in the much easier key of D Major, the recorder parts were recast for transverse flutes, a few notes and phrases perfected and the Christmas interpolations … The first two arias, for two different sopranos, are a wonderful example of Bach's portrayal of the young Mary. The inspiration of today’s program is Johann Sebastian Bach’s festive setting of the Magnificat canticle. Upload program notes >> Upload program notes from this concert. To those using these notes You are more than It is the first major liturgical composition on a Latin text by Bach.. playing the organ, training the choir and composing the music for the Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) The Magnificat is conceived on a grand scale, requiring five soloists, a five-part choir and, for its time, an unusually large orchestra consisting of three trumpets, two flutes, two oboes, strings, and continuo. Bach: Motet, Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf, BWV 226 J.S. Magnificat. You heard it in the lowest notes of the Fuga sopra il Magnificat, performed on the Rieger organ at the Scots’ Church in Melbourne, Australia, by Douglas Lawrence. We like to know that these materials are of use! J.S. Smooth, deliberate and just a little old … The Bach Magnificat, although typically performed during the Christmas season, takes its text from 1 Samuel 2: 1-10, today’s first reading. a CD or DVD liner, please MAGNIFICAT Program Notes english / español. For all of its grandeur and, sometimes, expansiveness, the work is remarkably brief, even terse. This evening’s concert represents much … Bach's Magnificat. ", Emmanuel Music is the Ensemble-in-Residence at. The Magnificat was composed for Christmas of 1723, Bach's first Christmas in Leipzig. Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872–1958) wrote operas, ballets, chamber music, secular and religious vocal pieces, and orchestral compositions, including nine symphonies. If you do, please would you be kind enough to As a German cantor and choirmaster at the Thomaskirche of Leipzig, he produced a multitude of sacred choral and solo works for the church year. Bach in Leipzig. Johann Christian, the most cosmopolitan of the family, gives us a compact and rather … The first movement is a good example. Notes and Editorial Reviews. He probably received his musical education at one of the Jesuit colleges in Prague, eventually obtaining a post in Prague with the Imperial governor Baron von Hartig. In its splendor and jubilation the piece anticipates the great choruses of the later Mass in B minor. as well as the Christmas Oratorio and some 250 church cantatas. Magnificat (Bach) - Wikipedia Magnificat BWV 243 - conducted by Massaki Suzuki Christmas Cantatas from … - and would you also acknowledge my Program Notes Coro Allegro and David Hodgkins, Artistic Director, welcome you to a season of celebrations as we mark 25 years as Boston’s classical chorus for members, friends, and allies of the LGBT community. For many music lovers, his music is the quintessential Venetian music, evoking vividly the pageantry and theatricality of that special place. In 1723, after taking up his post as Thomaskantor in Leipzig, Bach set the text of the Magnificat in a twelve … (Felix Mendelssohn was instrumental in a ‘rediscovery’ of Bach in the late 1820’s.) Program Notes Coro Allegro and David Hodgkins, Artistic Director, welcome you to a season of celebrations as we mark 25 years as Boston’s classical chorus for members, friends, and allies of the LGBT community. the same text by different composers from similar eras. Magnificat- Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750) In May 1723 Bach was appointed Kantorof St Thomas, Leipzig - we would probably call him the Director of Music - where he remained until his death in 1750. Johann Sebastian Bach's Magnificat, BWV 243, is a musical setting of the biblical canticle Magnificat.It is scored for five vocal parts (two sopranos, alto, tenor and bass), and a Baroque orchestra including trumpets and timpani. Bach sets the Magnificat in twelve movements. Matthew Passions, the Magnificat and the Mass in B minor, St John Passion - Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750): Passion according to St John BMV 245: From 1723 until his death Bach was employed as Kantor at the Thomasschule in Leipzig. Bach’s Magnificat is a brilliant celebratory work of detailed richness, and Aiello’s choreography is a thoughtful meditation on … To that we have added works by two contemporaries who Bach admired: Antonio Vivaldi and Jan Dismas Zelenka. Behind the Musik: Bach Magnificat. The long version of the program notes are given here. welcome to use all or part of these notes for your That is the version that we perform this morning. ORCHESTRATION Orchestration is similar to J.S. Program Notes Bach composed his setting of the Magnificat during his first year in Leipzig, for Christmas Vespers in 1723. It was a hugely demanding post, involving teaching at the church school, Vivaldi Introduction and Gloria. Bach's Magnificat in D major is one of those rare works in which music and text are brought together in perfect symmetry and harmony, all of its dimensions--rhythms, dynamics (in all senses of the word), and temporal relationships--ideally conceived and supremely functional, not to mention the work's … Emphasis on the opening word, Magnificat, is followed by the soaring curve of the Et exultavit (My soul magnifies the Lord), and the jubilation carries through the entire piece. Magnificat - Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750). Bach: Chorale, “Jesu bleibet meine Freude,” from Cantata No. We open and close today’s program with radiant and grand rejoicings by Bach. authorship. contact me. All-Bach program: Du Hirte Israel, höre, Cantata BWV 104 Magnificat in D major, BWV 243 Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, Cantata BWV 147. The music of Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) has been revered by listeners, churchgoers, and musicians of all stripes the world over for good reason: it is technically superb, artistically impeccable, symbolically rich, and emotionally satisfying, and performers find it among the most demanding music there is. Program Notes (2004) By Carol Meeder, former Director of Arts Education . Program Notes. Program Notes. Program Notes . advise me by e-mail - JS BACH: MAGNIFICAT/ANTONIO VIVALDI: GLORIA. PROGRAM NOTES: NOVEMBER 21, 2014. The angular bass aria is suceeded by the ravishing duet for alto and tenor accompanied by muted strings with flutes. Magnificat was choreographed by Salvatore Aiello for North Carolina Dance Theatre during his tenure as its artistic director. training the musicians at three others. him the Director of Music - where he remained until his death in 1750. A treble trio sings the ethereal "Suscepit Israel" with the oboes softly intoning the Magnificat chant tune. The long version of the program notes are given here. Despite this enormous workload 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 3 trumpets in C, timpani (A-D), piano, violins I, violins II, violas, celli, double basses Choir: SATB Soloists: Soprano, Mezzo-soprano or contralto, Tenor and Baritone or bass. Share your program notes from this concert with other members of the community. One year later Bach lowered the pitch to D Major and left out the hymn arrangements. Notice the emptiness at the very end illustrating the text. Behind the Musik: Bach Magnificat. Quia fecit mihi magna (tenor) IV. As a German cantor and choirmaster at the Thomaskirche of Leipzig, he produced a Bach: Fugue on the Magnificat, BWV 733 Buxtehude: Nun komm der Heiden Heiland, BuxWV 211 Bach: Toccata and Fugue in d, BWV 565 Bach: Nun komm der Heiden Heiland, BWV 659 Buxtehude: Praeludium in g, BuxWV 149 . Magnificat in D major, BWV 243 ; Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott : cantata for Reformation Festival, BWV 80 Catalog Record Only Previously issued as Archiv Produktion: 198 197 (side 2 only) and 198 407 (side 1 only). According to the scholar Christoph Wolff, Bach envisioned providing an ambitious and expanded Magnificat setting for his first Leipzig Christmas to give his new employers — and, of course, the congregation — a dazzling impression of the role he intended that music would play under his tenure: no more dust-off-the-stale-scores of liturgical music, no more uninspired routine. PROGRAM NOTES, TEXTS, AND TRANSLATIONS Suscepit Israel [Luke 1:46-55] Johann Sebastian Bach from Magnificat, BWV 243 (1723) (1685–1750) Johann Sebastian Bach is perhaps the most prolific and enduring composer the Baroque era. Because it was originally performed on Christmas Eve 1723 with Cantata BWV 63, a large scale Christmas cantata, Bach felt the necessity for keeping things short. appointed Kantor of St Thomas, Leipzig - we would probably call Vaughan Williams … Suscepit Israel (alto) … Program Notes for Bach and Zelenka. Bach: Magnificat, Etc / Choir Of King's College, Et Al Release Date: 06/27/2000 Label: ... Notes & Editorial Reviews Works on This Recording Customer Reviews. In between, as part of our season-long retrospective on Coro Allegro’s past quarter century, we revisit a … It was originally set in the key of E flat, with recorders and four interpolated movements that do not belong to the Magnificat. The chorus “Sicut locutus est” finishes the sentence above with the formula-like phrase “as He promised to our forefathers, Abraham, and his seed forever.” Animated rhythms express Mary’s joy, and a descending melody, accompanied by a discreetly melancholy oboe d’amore, gives voice to her humilitatem (humility). Print Program Notes. Bach: Magnificat in D major, BWV 243 Arvo Pärt: Te Deum . Program Notes Home: Carl Philip Emmanuel Bach (March 8, 1714 - December 14, 1788) Magnificat (chorus) Quia respexit (soprano) Quia fecit mehi magna (tenor) Et misericordia (chorus) Fecit potentiam (bass) Deposult potentes (tenor & alto duo) Suseptit Israel (alto) Gloria patri (chorus) Sicut erat (chorus) ... Magnificat - Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750) Most of Johann Sebastian Bach's extant church music in Latin dates from his Leipzig period (1723–50). J. S. Bach is now recognized as one of the most important pillars of today’s classical music, but that recognition was not accorded until much after his time. Bach. choral society or church programme, or for educational Program notes must be in .PDF format. Programme notes for Magnificat in D by C.P.E. We open and close today’s program with radiant and grand rejoicings by Bach. his greatest music during this period. Bach Notes J.S. Bach was nonetheless well-known in his own day, primarily as an organist and a court composer. St John Passion - Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750) Passion according to St John BMV 245 : From 1723 until his death Bach was employed as Kantor at the Thomasschule in Leipzig. Last September I attended a remarkable performance of Bach’s B Minor Mass at Emmanuel Church in Boston under their admirable new Music Director, Ryan Turner, who is a singer and came to Emmanuel Music as a member of the chorus. Programme Notes - Musical Director (St Matthew Passion) Posted: 25th February 2019 For the concert on 9 March 2019: It is a privilege to welcome you to our performance of J.S. Program Notes : By Jason Sundram : Magnificat in D major, Wq. and recurrent disputes with the city authorities, Bach composed some of Antonio Vivaldi was born in Venice in 1678 and spent most of his career there. Program Notes. Motets & Liturgical Works Notes & Translations. city’s two principal Lutheran churches as well as supervising and Program Notes b y Charlotte Nediger. PROGRAM NOTES The first movement “Magnificat anima mea Dominum” (My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord) builds its thematic material directly from the original gregorian chant. Emmanuel Music continues to perform cycles of large-scale and chamber works by Bach, Handel, Mozart, Schubert, Brahms, Debussy, Haydn, Schoenberg, Weill, Wolf, Medelssohn, and Schumann under Artistic Director Ryan Turner. Notes & Editorial Reviews Works on This Recording Customer Reviews. 215 (Helm 772) (1749) Program Notes Home: Carl Philip Emmanuel Bach (March 8, 1714 - December 14, 1788) Magnificat (chorus) Quia respexit (soprano) Quia fecit mehi magna (tenor) Et misericordia (chorus) Fecit potentiam (bass) Deposult potentes (tenor & alto duo) Suseptit Israel (alto) Gloria patri (chorus) Sicut erat (chorus) C. P. … Some of the program notes that appeared in our programs had to be shortened to fit in the space available. Bach's Magnificat . After a rather lengthy orchestral introduction and a big flurry from the chorus, the movement seems like it is over almost before it starts. PROGRAM NOTES, TEXTS, AND TRANSLATIONS Suscepit Israel [Luke 1:46-55] Johann Sebastian Bach from Magnificat, BWV 243 (1723) (1685–1750) Johann Sebastian Bach is perhaps the most prolific and enduring composer the Baroque era. LENGTH Eleven movements. J. S. Bach is now recognized as one of the most important pillars of today’s classical music, but that recognition was not accorded until much after his time. Program Notes. The term empfindsamkeit, which can be used to describe Carl’s music, roughly means to express feeling naturally. Share your program notes from this concert with other members of the community. He was … For behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. … It was premiered on May 15, 1985 in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. It was a hugely demanding post, involving teaching at the church school, Deposuit potentes (tenor & alto duet) VII. Program notes home: Alphabetical Index of Composers: Chronological Index of Pieces: Chronological Index of Concerts: English Text of the Magnificat. San Francisco Symphony Chorus: J.S. In May 1723 Bach was Strongly influenced by music of the Tudor Period (1485–1603) and English folk song, his output marked a decisive break in British music from its German-dominated style of the 19th century. If you would like to use the program notes, we would request that you acknowledge the author, the Naperville Chorus and let us know. Maria Stader, soprano, Herta Töpper, contralto, Ernst Haefliger, tenor, Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, bass, Munich Bach Coir [sic] and Orchestra, Karl Richter, conductor (in 1st work) ; Agnes Giebel, … In the autumn of 1705, Johann Sebastian Bach requested four weeks’ leave from his church in Arnstadt to travel to Lubeck and learn from the famous Dietrich Buxtehude, … My soul doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. Magnificat. This celebration of one of the most prodigiously talented musical families—father and two sons—is also a wonderful and varied program of three Magnificat settings. If you wish to use these notes for Emmanuel Music continues to perform cycles of large-scale and chamber works by Bach, Handel, Mozart, Schubert, Brahms, Debussy, Haydn, Schoenberg, Weill, Wolf, Medelssohn, and Schumann under Artistic Director Ryan Turner. Thank you. Jan Dismas Zelenka was born in 1679 in the Bohemian village of Louňovice, the son of the local choirmaster and organist. Program Notes Magnificat – Bach. It is the first major liturgical composition on a Latin text by Bach. Approximately thirty-five minutes THE COMMISSION OF MAGNIFICAT: … Bach and Mass in C Major, Missa in tempore belli (‘Paukenmesse’) by Haydn Magnificat in D, Wq215, H772 Carl Philipp Emmanuel Bach (1714-1788) I. Magnificat (chorus) II. Quia respexit (soprano) III. The tenor aria "Deposuit" is again fiery, followed by the adorable "Esurientes" with two flutes. J.S. Unique in the composer's output, was written originally in Eb Major and included four hymn tune arrangements interpolated within the Magnificat text. Bach - Magnificat, BWV 243 The Bach Magnificat, although typically performed during the Christmas season, takes its text from 1 Samuel 2: 1-10, today’s first reading. Jan Dismas Zelenka was born in 1679 in the Bohemian village of Louňovice, the son of the local choirmaster and organist. (Felix Mendelssohn was instrumental in a ‘rediscovery’ of Bach in the late 1820’s.) include such towering masterpieces as the St John and St REVIEWS: International Record Review (6/00, pp.85-86) - "...The solo contributions of Susan Gritton are beyond question...She is on fine form here....This is very Anglican Bach. San Francisco Symphony Chorus: J.S. Bach's Magnificat. The second is plaintive and middle-eastern sounding, the properly demure young maiden is shown here. In Leipzig, compared to Lutheran practice elsewhere, an uncharacteristic amount of Latin was used in church. Program Notes. In the general layout of its movements and in its scale and dimensions, Bach’s Magnificat provided the obvious precedent for John Rutter’s setting. In 1710 he entered … Zelenka Missa Divi Xaverii. The "Sicut locutus est" is a rather pro forma choral fugue but is followed by the stirring "Gloria Patri," a big buildup to the clever introduction of the opening material on the words "as it was in the beginning. Father Johann Sebastian’s, the best known, is gloriously done by Arcangelo, with some spirited singing and energized orchestral playing. Unique in the composer's output, was written originally in Eb Major and included four hymn tune arrangements interpolated within the Magnificat text. Emmanuel Music is a Boston-based ensemble of singers and instrumentalists founded in 1970 by Craig Smith to perform the complete sacred cantatas of J.S. This is characteristic of Bach's use of the maximum contrast within this relatively confined space.The "Fecit potentiam" is one of Bach's most energetic and difficult choruses, but is over in about two minutes. His works are … Mozart, who said of C. P. E. Bach, “He is the father, we are the children,” used the themes in the Magnificat’s last movement (Sicut erat) in the Kyrie of his own Requiem. Emmanuel Music is a Boston-based ensemble of singers and instrumentalists founded in 1970 by Craig Smith to perform the complete sacred cantatas of J.S. purposes. Program notes must be in .PDF format. Bach. J.S. His choral compositions alone Lutheran tradition called for this Canticle of the Virgin Mary from the Gospel of Luke to be chanted in German during vespers services, but special feast days merited performances of more elaborate versions in Latin. 147, Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben J.S. Bach’s St Matthew Passion this evening and it is particularly special to be finally performing this great work given the unexpected weather that forced us to cancel this event in March 2018.It has felt like a long journey to get to this … commercial purposes, e.g. Program Notes Magnificat – Bach. Et misericordia (chorus) V. Fecit potentiam (bass) VI. MAGNIFICAT. The second aria is interrupted by the fiery "Omnes generationes" chorus. It is scored for five vocal parts (two sopranos, alto, tenor and bass), and a Baroque orchestra including trumpets and timpani. Program Notes. Born in 1679 in the composer 's output, was written originally in Eb major and four! May 15, 1985 in Winston-Salem, North Carolina instrumentalists founded in by. Henceforth all generations shall call me blessed E flat, with some spirited singing and energized orchestral playing the ``. Cantatas of J.S orchestral playing uncharacteristic amount of Latin was used in church it starts with a broad Magnificat! 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