It only takes a minute to sign up. Show hidden files in Ubuntu & other Linux distributions If you are in a terminal, you can use the ls command to display the all the files, including the hidden ones: ls -a You can choose 1 to show only … This event can also occur on a … This file can be found only on the newer Ubuntu versions running systemd. The first suspicious thing was having the same grub with 17.10 - it chose the old grub from the menu (auto-select) then showed me the boot screen but afterwards instead of GUI I got terminal access only … Your new user's login shell has been set to /bin/sh, which on Ubuntu is dash. For earlier versions on Ubuntu such as Ubuntu 16.04 and Ubuntu 17.10, you can use the wpasupplicant tool to connect to a WiFi network on the terminal. I’ll show you how to change both. Linux show file content. Just enter PS1='\u:\W\$ ' and press enter. Open Ubuntu terminal and Type. The easiest way to List all available network interfaces on Ubuntu Linux is by using ip link show command. For example: echo “$(