The biggest difference between coconut sugar and table sugar is that it contains a fiber called Inulin that slows down the rate that it raises your blood sugar. Palm sugar vs. coconut sugar. Once the sap is harvested and the water removed, what’s left is an all-natural coconut palm sugar. Is coconut palm sugar the same thing as coconut sugar? It’s also suggested that this tapping of the coconut tree blossoms for sap is a centuries old tradition that does not harm the tree. By contrast, palm sugar is often made from a different type of palm tree. When I was traveling in Indonesia, palm sugar was cheaper than coconut sugar. Sugars naturally rank hi… Sometimes, it’s also called coconut crystals or coconut sap or nectar. The research that I have done has led me to believe that palm sugar is not harvested with glyphosate. Coconut sugar, Galloway says, is made from the sap of coconut palm trees (kind of like how maple syrup is sourced from maple tree sap). Here’s a fun fact for your next game of trivia: coconut sugar doesn’t actually come from the coconut itself, but rather the sap from part of the palm. We have recently learned that your approximate 5 pounds od gut microbiota (cells of bacteria, fungus, virus and other non human cells) is responsible for mich more than digestion. Use it to sweeten your coffee, tea, or breakfast cereal. Yes, I agree…it’s really annoyingly confusing. It apparently tastes great as well! Added sweeteners present in processed foods, desserts, and beverages contain the most sucrose. Coconut sugar is also called coconut palm sugar.–glyphosate. Some coconut sugar products are not 100% coconut sugar but instead a blend with cane sugar. So, is coconut sugar as healthy and great for diabetics as Dr. Oz seem to claim? if you eat the sugar that has been treated with glyphosate, the glyphosate has the potential to kill your gut bacteria AND chelate trace minerals in your system, making them unavailable to your body. Coconut sugar appears to be as healthy as raw honey is (which is to say – it’s as healthy as a sugar can be), but it’s still good to avoid eating it in excess. Coconut sugar is caramel colored with a taste that is similar to that of maple syrup or brown sugar. This naming issue was made worse when coconut palm sugar became Dr Oz’s new favorite sugar. Palm sugar – also known as coconut sugar, coconut palm sugar, coconut sap and coconut crystals – is a low glycemic sweetener made from the evaporated sap of the coconut flower. What is the best way to melt coconut oil. Palm sugar is also the most fragrant of the two. Thank you for doing all the research and sharing. As explained on this website, coconut tree blossoms are tapped for their sap, which supposedly will keep flowing for the next 20 years. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. According to the above analysis of coconut palm sap, coconut sugar contains some inulin, whereas table sugar and corn syrup do not. Copyright 2020 - NBIP LLC; Operated by Nourishing Brands LLC | Privacy Policy | Disclaimer, Terms, & Conditions | Contact It does not contain the actual coconut fruit, the part from which most beneficial coconut products are derived. Note that there is a difference … Pure palm sugar’s flavor has many of the same notes, but comes with a smokier taste. I don't know whether coconut sugar is better than honey or not but I do know that coconut sugar, more specifically coconut PALM sugar, is not from the actual coconut. Table sugar is very high on the glycemic index, landing around 70, whereas coconut sugar is … NOTICE: The information contained or presented on this website is for educational purposes only. The most significant difference between the coconut sugar and palm sugar lies in the fact that coconut sugar has a butterscotch caramel taste. If you purchase anything through a link on this website, you should assume that we have an affiliate relationship with the company providing the product or service that you purchase, and that we will be paid in some way. Pure palm sugar’s flavor has many of the same notes, but comes with a smokier taste. Coconut sugar and palm sugar are both natural sweeteners coming from palm trees. Again, how much do you need to consume to reap the benefits? They're two different kinds of healthy, so which one you want depends on what your health goals are. According to this study by the Department of Science and Technology in the Philippines, coconut sugar has a GI of 35, which makes it a low glycemic index food. Stevia is for people who don't want to eat sugar. Weekly meal plans and shopping lists - 30 or few er ingredients per week - Full Nutritional Data - 100% Paleo. And if you have blood sugar issues, then coconut sugar (despite its supposedly low GI) could still raise your blood sugar levels in a detrimental way. There is no difference between coconut sugar and coconut palm sugar. Health Benefits Glycemic Index The glycemic index defines foods by how quickly it causes your blood sugar to rise. So, the glycemic index of coconut sugar may turn out to be not quite as great as people make out, but it’s still no worse than other sugars – both honey and cane sugar has a GI of around 50. In addition, no statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. In this article, we will be writing about the coconut sugar health benefits. Any diet, health, or nutritional program you undertake should be discussed with your doctor or other licensed medical professional. Coconut Sugar contains a fiber (inulin) which slows glucose absorption. They are often imported to North America. Click To Download Our Free Paleo Diet Food List. If you’re aiming for nutrition, coconut sugar wins from palm sugar. This is related to the process of harvesting and processing palm juice. We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything. The antimicrobial properties of coconut oil. Palm sugar and coconut sugar are two different types of sugars used in southeast Asia. If you purchase anything through a link on this website, you should assume that we have an affiliate relationship with the company providing the product or service that you purchase, and that we will be paid in some way. Like the North American process to make maple syrup… Because it is unrefined, it retains its brown color and the minerals present in the original sap. Coconut sugar, sometimes called coconut palm sugar (also known as coco sugar, coco sap sugar or coconut blossom sugar), is made using the sap of cut flower buds of the coconut palm tree. Moreover, palm sugar derived from Banten, relatively darker than the palm sugar. Don’t use coconut sugar with the expectation of getting a coconut flavor from it. It’s suggested that the low GI is due to the presence of inulin (a fiber that may slow down the absorption of sugar) in coconut sugar. However, it has only 20% of the fructose & glucose as regular sugar. The other point in coconut sugar’s favor as being a “healthier” sugar is the fact that coconut sugar appears to have more minerals (like iron, zinc, calcium, and potassium) than many other sugars, although raw honey also contains some minerals so it’s hard to say that coconut sugar is much better. Coconut palm sugar (not to be confused with palm sugar) is made from the sap of the coconut plant. In Indonesian cuisine coconut sugar is called gula jawa (Javanese sugar) or gula merah (red sugar), while gula aren refers to palm sugar specifically made from aren palm . After he called it coconut palm, that all changed. Made from the sap of cut flower buds from the coconut palm, coconut sugar, and coconut nectar are a source of minerals, vitamin C, B vitamins, and some amino acids. centuries old tradition that does not harm the tree, the University of Sydney classifies the GI of coconut sugar as 54, both honey and cane sugar has a GI of around 50,–glyphosate. Can you substitute coconut sugar for palm sugar? Coconut sugar is made from the flower buds of the coconut tree. Be aware of ingesting glyphosate in your “health” food. coconut palm sugar became Dr Oz’s new favorite sugar. Being low in fructose content and having a low glycemic index, coconut sugar is the new healthy sugar on the list. By contrast, palm sugar is often made from a different type of palm tree. Therefore, it is much lower on the glycemic index. Coconut sugar comes in crystal or granule form, block or liquid. And for good reason! Maple syrup has caramel notes along with the woodsy maple flavor that you might expect from a maple syrup product. Coconut palm sap is boiled down into a syrup which is bottled and sold as well, but it is also commonly crystallized to form a scoop-able sugar which is an easy one-for-one replacement for white sugar in many recipes. It is simply the coconut palm sap (nectar) from the coconut palm flowers, boiled, dried, and pulverized into granules. However, the University of Sydney classifies the GI of coconut sugar as 54. They say that the stocks after treatment with glyphosate will produce more sugar. However, rest assured that no matter which name it’s called by, it pretty much always tastes the same! What about coconut nectar and coconut crystals? Palm sugar is another type of sugar entirely. I’ve been using stevia liquid and Xylitol and raw honey in lieu of the chemically made sugars. The nature organoleptiknya The only advantage of palm sugar compared to sugar is coconut aroma. Eat raw onion, raw garlic, raw asparagus and not overly ripe bananas for your prebiotic fiber instead! One is as an antibiotic. Coconut Secret (who sells coconut sugar) claims this isn’t true. And while palm sugar tastes a lot like brown sugar, it produces a much smaller effect on your blood sugar and insulin levels. Information on this site is NOT intended to serve as a substitute for diagnosis, treatment, or advice from a qualified, licensed medical professional. Coconut sugar does contain some inulin which is a prebiotic fiber. The most significant difference between the two lies in the fact that coconut sugar has a butterscotch caramel taste similar to that of brown sugar. Unfortunately, the answer is sometimes. Tropical Traditions (who sells coconut oil) however has claimed that the tapping process prevents the coconut tree from also producing coconut fruits, and this decline could lead to higher coconut oil prices. Honestly, there’s no difference. In addition, no statement on this website has been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and any product mentioned or described on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. And is palm sugar different to coconut palm sugar? The facts presented are offered as information only - not medical advice - and in no way should anyone infer that we or anyone appearing in any content on this website are practicing medicine. This of course prompted many manufacturers to change their name to match coconut palm sugar! You might also want to avoid coconut sugar if you have gut issues as Sarah Ballantyne suggests that the inulin in coconut sugar could cause digestives issues in some people. Coconut palm sugar is the latest coconut product to gain popularity, and its place in the market is expanding rapidly. Coconut sugar comes from the sap of the cut flowers of the coconut palm. You will find it in different shades of gold-brown, while palm sugar is dark brown. Coconut sugar, more accurately coconut palm sugar, is made from sap of the coconut palm that has been extracted and then boiled and dehydrated. In case you’re tempted to skip this section, let me explain that I’m not writing this for some academic purposes – the manufacturing process is highly important to the debate of whether coconut sugar is sustainable or not. Use it as a one-to-one replacement in all your recipes that call for regular sugar. Both are natural sweeteners that come from trees. Can people with a tree nut allergy eat coconut? We recommend that you do your own independent research before purchasing anything. It provides the same number of calories and carbohydrates as regular cane sugar (about 15 calories and four grams of carbohydrate per teaspoon) so you wouldn’t be gaining any advantage in these respects by making a switch. The other is as a cleaner of pipes because it is an effective chelating agent. However, rest assured that no matter which name it’s called by, it pretty much always tastes the same! Coconut palm sugar is actually derived from the liquid sap from a coconut palm. Some … Coconut sugar comes from the buds of coconut tree flowers and palm sugar is made from the sap of the sugar palm tree (also called a date palm tree). Glyphosate has two patents. Coconut sugar has a lighter color than palm sugar. [1] Coconut sugar, sometimes called coconut palm sugar, is made using the sap of a coconut tree flower. I tried it once with both sugars. If the ingredients panel lists only palm sugar, then you are not getting coconut sugar. Coconut sugar is made from the nectar of coconut palm blossoms, while palm sugar derives from the sap of date palm or sugar palm (Areanga pinnata) – therefore also be found as arenga sugar in the market. So yes, you can truthfully say there are vitamins in coconut palm sugar, in the same way you can say there are vitamins in McDonald’s fries. Note that palm sugar is also the most fragrant of the two. Boost Your Energy, Lose Weight, & Feel Better by Starting the Smart Way. Both offer some, but not much! It’s just a different name! Coconut sugar’s claim to be a healthier sugar lies mostly with the fact that it has a lower GI (glycemic index) than many other sugars (like cane sugar), and a low GI is supposedly a good indicator that the sugar won’t spike your blood sugar as much. All I see is more coconut oil and more coconut sugar filling the supermarket shelves. Coconut sugar and coconut palm sugar refer to the same thing. It’s a natural sugar made from coconut palm sap, which is the sugary circulating fluid of the coconut plant. That was enough for me because I really didn’t like the taste of either. This contributes to it’s low glycomic index of 35. Sometimes palm sugar is made from the coconut palm tree (which is what coconut palm sugar is made from…surprise surprise). If you didn’t find the sustainability of coconut sugar debate interesting, then perhaps you’ll find this section more pertinent to why you’re looking to buy coconut sugar or coconut palm sugar. The reason I love it is because it’s not only delicious but also healthy and sustainable for our planet. Any differences that you find between most palm sugar and most coconut sugar will be subtle. Coconut sugar is the dehydrated and boiled sap of the coconut palm. Also, it has, according to the experts, the same calories and carbohydrates as regular cane sugar. Coconut sugar is widely used in Sri Lanka as an unrefined syrup or as jaggery, referred to as pol hakuru(පොල් හකුරු), though the jaggery made from the Kithul palm is preferred. All in all, coconut sugar is at best a tiny bit healthier than other sugars and at worst about the same as honey. With so many different names floating around, it can be tough when you’re out shopping to ensure you buy the right products. I am leaving this link to let others know that although sugar cane has not been genetically modified, some farmers are treating their stocks after harvest with glyphosate (roundup). Sugar vs. coconut sugar. It is essentially a two-step process. I wish I could tell you who is right, but I simply don’t know. But if you want to give coconut sugar a try (it is a good Paleo sugar to use when you need a dry sugar rather than a syrup texture like honey), then you can get it on Amazon here. Both are collected as sap. Home » Blog » Paleo Diet » Paleo Diet 101 » Coconut Sugar vs Coconut Palm Sugar. Coconut sugar, or coconut palm sugar, is derived from the coconut palm tree. Coconut palm sugar is being advertised as a healthy sugar; low in the glycemic index and full of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Ok, now that we’ve established that all these names are basically the same thing, let’s see how it’s made. The sap (or nectar, as it’s sometimes called) is collected from the flower bud stem of the coconut palm tree. Palm Nectar Organics is a 100% certified organic coconut (palm) sugar that tastes like sweet brown sugar and has a lower glycemic index than cane sugar. Many coconut sugar makers proudly tout coconut sugar’s ranking on the glycemic index (GI). Just a simple search for coconut sugar on will yield all these different names! I’ve tried palm sugar and coconut sugar but was not really knowledgeable as to whether it was good or bad for me. Sometimes palm sugar is made from the coconut palm tree (which is what coconut palm sugar is made from…surprise surprise). As a result, this is what researchers say is how it can keep the blood sugar spikes down. Other common names include palm sugar, coconut palm sugar, and coconut syrup. Seek the advice of a medical professional for proper application of ANY material on this site to your specific situation. Maple syrup can have a complex flavor with notes of vanilla, cinnamon and even hazelnut. This means that residual glyphosate in sugar. So read on to discover exactly what is what as well as which sugar is Paleo. Prior to the Dr. Oz show, using “palm” in the name was less common. So, what’s the deal with coconut sugar? Coconut sugar is a type of sweetener made from coconut palm sap. It starts with harvesting or “tapping” the blossoms of a coconut tree. Glyphosate is being used as a dessicant. The taste of organic coconut sugar is very similar to brown sugar in Indonesia and has a slight caramel notes to it, whereas pure palm sugar comes with a smokier taste, even though it also has many of the same notes as organic coconut sugar. No one seems to have done more testing to see who is right. Among other things your bacteria trains your body’s immune system to recognize invaders. palm sugar is often made from a different type of palm tree. However, coconut sugar … Than palm sugar replacement in all, coconut sugar has a lighter color than palm sugar is best! Of 35 done more testing to see who is right, but I simply ’... Sugar with the expectation of getting a coconut tree compared to sugar often. University of Sydney classifies the GI of coconut sugar beneficial coconut products derived... Favorite sugar same calories and carbohydrates as regular sugar to have done more testing to see who right. 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