Voices of a Distant Star is an anime Original Video Animation (OVA) directed and produced by Makoto Shinkai on his Macintosh computer. Voices of a Distant Star is Makoto Shinkai’s (Garden of Words, Your Name, Weathering With You) directorial debut, created almost entirely by himself. Well, that's what I found when I first came across 5 Centimeters Per Second and I found it again with Hoshi no Koe. Both 'Beyond the Clouds' and 'Voices of a Distant Star' are masterpiece and created by Makoto Shinkai. Anyone who enjoyed Voices of a Distant Star or The Place Promised in Our Early Days will love the other. In its original release, Shinkai himself voiced Noboru, as well. Erica; 19/08/2020; … He had been in London since February 2008 and not been working on anime movie produc...read more, Apr 29, 2009 8:37 AM by dtshyk | Discuss (26 comments). The approach of smoothly and slowly building up deep emotions in the viewer, theme of loss, and unusual mix of sorrow and hope is what distances this movie from most of works sharing similarities on the surface. Shinkai cited Dracula and Laputa as inspirations to make Voices. As the direct predecessor to Beyond the Clouds, Hoshi no Koe comes across as a very successful, but somewhat limited, commentary on unrequited love. earth) the boy will age quicker than the girl who is millions of light years away. This startling short anime feature was created entirely by one person, Maktoto Shinkai, on his home computer. 150 titles 1. Though dealt with in different manners, both are very moving and well dealt with in their own way. You don't walk away happy from either of these, but they are both beautiful gems that should be appreciated. In the early 21st century, insectoid organisms are invading the galaxy, searching for new stars to house their young. Themen-Einstellungen . The distance here is not the one of space, but one of mind, as they believe their only dream to be forever lost. These two titles not only have mecha but also long distance Galaxy hop aliens that take years to get to to fight. Both Place Promised In Our Early Days and Voices of a Distant Star have the wonderful light effects of Makoto Shinkai. Vă aduc un mic OVA simpatic. Film + Serien + Musik; Filme; Film Genres; Anime; Nicht verfügbar. Dieser Artikel ist aktuell nicht verfügbar. Founded in 2001 as the first anime & manga recommendation database. Reviews, opinions and insights on the world of anime and cinematography Menu The Voices of a Distant Star. There is a lot of bittersweet love in these anime. Makoto Shinkai's work in both the Movie and the OVA deserves a look for fans of one or the other. Despite their short running time, they tell big stories about love and the distance of space. Jetzt bequem online bestellen. Although quite different in many ways, both deal heavily with the concepts of love and time, as well as seperation, pain and loss. Voices of a Distant Star was written, directed and produced entirely by Makoto on his Power Mac G4. While I felt that Voices of a Distant Star was more one-dimentional then 5 Centimeters per Second (no wonder, we're comparing a 20min movie with a 1h one), they had the same feeling of melancholy to them. Mankind's desire to traverse the galaxy, as well as our increasingly sophisticated understanding of how the universe works, is the creative spark for many excellent shows. In addition, both series leave you with the feeling of wanting more, to go further into the lives and situations that the characters find themselves in. Both these anime, although very different in format, are heart-rending explorations of love under extreme pressure. If you liked one of them I suggest you watch the other one. Did Voices of a Distant Star feel too short ? If you enjoy one, you might like the other. Mikako Nagamine is recruited by the UN army to fight alien invaders. Things don't change drastically enough for Noboru or Nagamine for me to even care. Nagamine Separated, Noboru and Mikako attempt to keep in touch by sending emails to each other with their cell phones. Hoshi no Koe lays more emphasis on the romance aspects, and Gunbuster on mecha, but the two share the aspects that made them so fantastic. Anime-Planet is a site run by fans, for fans. I liked Voices of a Distant Star better as well. Yes its another heart pounding anime Movie made by Makoto Shinkai. Both the distinctive and creative animation style, fine instrumental music and the impression created by the stories of these movies match very closely. It has the same bittersweet tone to it. But even admist it, there's a ray of hope. It’s a short 25-minute film about two star-crossed lovers who are unable to see one another again due to the distance but between them via intergalactic travel. Also there are common themes such as romance which involves a relationship separated by distance and time. That is the main theme of Hoshi no Koe and Saikano. “Voices of a Distant Star” It is 2046 when a mysterious alien force begins their annihilation of the human race. Wenn ich so daran denke, dass andere kurz gehaltene Anime oder Manga den Zuschauer bzw. They deal with space-travel and its consequences in a very similar (almost identical) way, and it's exactly that what makes both of them stand out above the crowd of sci-fi short stories. The love of Japanese high school students Mikako Nagamine and Noboru Tera is tested when Mikako is sent to fight aliens in a distant universe and voice mails to and from Earth become months to years in transmission. They are two quite, reflective anime about how love is all a matter of chance and oppurtunity. Through this stress, each couple has their relationship tested. Though time continues to pass, will the three ever meet again some day? Leser irritieren, ergibt Shinkais Film eine wunderschöne Kurzgeschichte, auch wenn sie sehr … The last of the three classics that comprise the Shinkai "trilogy," 5 cm per Second once more touches upon Shinkai's philosophical perspective on the tragedies love can bring about. It is the year 2046, Noboru Terao and Mikako Nagamine are close friends who will soon be graduating junior high school. Produktbewertungen. Pale Cocoon is a traditional science fiction short story, with a slow build towards a story twist that serves as the climactic conclusion of the anime. The plot is also pretty normal and if summarised is nothing special. If you really enjoyed one, you should watch the other. While Your Name. Bereich wechseln . Το Voices of a Distant Star αποτελεί μία ταινία μικρού μήκους, δημιουργημένη εξ’ολοκλήρου από τον Makoto Shinkai. These 1 episode animes have a startling concept that is simple and easy to understand. What better anime to recommend than another anime which has the same director. If you're looking for anime similar to Voices of a Distant Star, you might like these titles. Press Room And while the themes will be quite familiar to those who have watched his two earlier acclaimed titles, 5 Centimeters per Second has feels fresh and carries its message in its own unique way. In both works, the animation is wonderfully breathtaking, and the art/tones look outstanding. Two sad romance stories that don't exactly have the Hollywood ending. Recommending two anime by the same director feels like cheating, but it comes to Shinkai Makoto's work, it's almost completely unique from anything being made today. Voices of a Distant Star (Hoshi no Koe) is Makoto Shinkai 's first major work. The story and general feeling of both these movies are very similar (probably due to them both being directed by the same person). She is taken away by evil forces to ruin the whole world. The main protagonists in both series have to deal with the concept of time dilation (but voices is a bit more realistic, as realistic a FTL drive can be), ride big Mechas in outer space. They do not repeat, but complement each other. Voices of a Distant Star and 5cm/s give the same atmosphere and end in similar ways. They share the same atmostphere, same feelings, same artwork's style. But after an alien attack on humanity, Mikako is selected for the UN military space expedition set to retaliate against the aliens. During that precious time, the three promised to one day travel to the tower in the skies on the wings of a white plane -- to finally see its brilliance and the surrounding land of Ezo -- but when Sayuri suddenly disappeared from their lives, the promise that once was made was broken. Both are brilliant pieces of work, and easily enjoyed and loved. From instant classics to lesser known gems, we've curated 150 of the best Anime movies for you. Bunka-chō-Media Geijutsusai des Bildungsministeriums. The distance between the girl Chise and the guy Shuu is not as far as it is in Hoshi no koe but it truly got the same effects.... To long for someone can hurt alot even if it's close or near. They both have the same emotional impact and a will they meet again feel about them. The journeys both of them take in their minds and in their lives create an atmosphere of intense emotional upheaval, but also a sense of peace. Voices Of A Distant Star ushered the arrival of director Makoto Shinkai. 13. They both have a desperate feel. It's quite obvious the two shared a mutual source of inspiration, and the fact that both films flaunt excellent composure proves that Shinkai has not lost his touch throughout the years. Both of the female protagonists are used as weapons in wars, and are separated from their beloved ones, by distance (in Hoshi no Koe) by fate and war (in Saikano). In addition, both are surprisingly "real", with the relationships between the characters, unlike many airheaded school dramas. The lives of Chise and Shuu are torn apart when Chise is chosen to become the ultimate weapon to fight for Japan against their enemies. Shu's companion is a mysterious girl named La La Ru, who may hold the key to survival. This is a wonderful 30 minute long anime about love and barriers between people. If you enjoyed Voices of a Distant Star, I highly recommend you to watch Pale Cocoon, it's another short story (Single Episode) with stunning graphics. ‘5 Centimeters per Second' and ‘Voices of a distant star’ share the same basic elements upon which the stories are built, while changing the superficial settings remarkably, so that the similarities won’t bother the viewer. If you liked the one, I think that you would definitely like the other. both of them have the same theme and the same atmosphere. The farther away they get from eac… Voices of a Distant Star (Anime) | aniSearch Both of these series show the pains war imposes through the eyes of a guy trying to do what they can to stay with and help out someone important to them. Mikako starts off in school just like Gunbuster protagonist Mikako. For those, who believe in true love. Come in to read, write, review, and interact with other fans. They're so very similar to each other, that you'd definitely fall in love with another If you watch one. Two romantic tragedies that take place in futuristic settings, The Place Promised in Our Early Days and Voices of a Distant Star are very similar in tone, atmosphere, and story. Hoshi no Koe and KgNE are both heartbreaking dramas about romance, and the people ensnared in it. His characters find themselves psychologically isolated, often while living in an environment full of people. This 2003 short film is considered one of the most poignant anime romances around, though it is particularly well-known for another reason: Shinkai scripted, drew, animated, and produced the entire movie on … Each series also tells this sad tales about people and society. Like Kimi ga Nozomu Eien, Hoshi no Koe is about young lovers torn apart by fate, and how real feelings for another person may fade with time, but never really disappear. Voices of a Distant Star is an anime from studio »Makoto SHINKAI« that falls into the main genre of Sentimental Drama. The mood is incredibly similar, and so are the visuals. is the only Shinkai anime to get any kind of mainstream attention, it's not the only great Shinkai anime. Also the theme of these movies is the same. Voices of a Distant Star (Hoshi no Koe) Anime Fabric Wall Scroll Poster (16 x 23) Inches günstig auf Amazon.de: Kostenlose Lieferung an den Aufstellort sowie kostenlose Rückgabe für qualifizierte Artikel It is a twist of fate and a series of decisions that put the two in place to carry what they choose of their pasts into the future they will create for themselves. Both are stories of lovers seperated by the consequenses of war, and what they must do to cope with it all. They are powerful, at times depressing, and feature something universal, an emotion as much about sadness as about hope. Virtually no anime can ever truly be a one-man job - even the Daicon reels and Wings of Honneamise were team efforts. The difference is that Pale Cocoon is so far removed in time from our own that you're not sure what's going on until the very end, whereas Hoshi no Koe seems very similar to our time, including the use of cellphones and everything except the giant robots. they're made by the same director, Makoto Shinkai. Makoto and his wife provided the voice acting for the working dub (A second Japanese dub was later created for the DVD release with professional voice actors). Extras: Bonusfilm, Wendecover Schon als Kinder hatten Mikako und Noboru immer nur Augen füreinander. Love despite all obsticles. 2010 brachte Kazé diesen außergewöhnlichen Film in Deutschland auf den Markt. The soundtracks are also very similiar and well worth the attention. In Byousoku 5 Centimeter it is families moving apart, and in Hoshi no Koe it is space itself that hinders them. Older, but perhaps not as much wiser, she seems adrift in the world. Ne este prezentată o poveste de iubire dintre o fată și un băiat. Voices of a Distant Star (Hoshi no Koe) is Makoto Shinkai's first major work. Each of these shows start out with a budding relationship then pull the couple very far apart, showing the power and strain distance has on a relationship. Kotonoha no Niwa and Voices of a Distant Star deal with relationships that change as time goes on, for better or for worse. Both stories deal with the insecurities and loneliness of the main character and the effect of being send out away from one's home has. Space Brothers The cold void of space is a well-worn setting for some of our favorite anime, and it's easy to see why. Most people will find it hard not to compare this 20 minute OVA to Hoshi no Koe; indeed, in many ways Pale Cocoon is the spiritual successor to the landmark 2002 anime. Both are quiet, thought-provoking shows that are emotionally moving. After winning the grand prize, Shinkai began thinking about a follow-up while he continued working for Falcom. Time and distance; both are factors that can fracture bonds of the heart. The romance in both of these anime are very similar, they are both quiet and slow moving, and  will capture your attention from the start. They both explore themes of long distance relationships and how taxing they can be over time, and they're both (at their cores) about clouds and cherry blossoms. Endings of both are great, and the progression of time ends up not feeling right... So daran denke, dass andere kurz gehaltene anime oder manga den Zuschauer bzw the... Animation ( OVA ) directed and produced by Makoto Shinkai Kunden haben sich ebenfalls angesehen centers on... Emails to each other, separated by distance - in space and in mind that the is. At the beginning of high school film in Deutschland auf den Markt and a great was... Hilfe Gäste- und Partnerlounge Schenkis: - ) Alles für den Forenneuling the sametime dealing a! ( 2001 )... Voices of a Distant Star is most definitely labor! 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