It entails respect, equality, and fairness. The structural features of bureaucracy Bureaucracy has been central to public administration. How many of us know as to what happens to a clerk when he falls ill? The Clinton Administration's plans to do so were delayed by public opposition, then halted for good reason by the Bush Administration. The characteristics of these sciences have come to be regarded as the standard criterion for judging the claims of other subjects aspiring to be categorized as sciences. Introduction to Public Administration 2. Moreover, one cannot get a true picture of as to how an organization functions in practice. Most of us are custom­ers of the post office and we wonder at the vast organization which is needed to provide this service. The embryonic stage can be characterized by the idea, feasibility, verification, demonstration and commercialization. This method originated in the United States. Environmental factors, social set up and circumstances of time affect public administrator a great deal. Hence it cannot have the same principles for all times to come. Research is used to test existing theories to see if they are strengthened or weakened. The second aspect relates to the relationship between the administration and the ‘adminis­tered’. It is this branch of government that touches more directly and more strikingly than any other the lives of the human beings. Nigros’ summarizing of the meaning of Public administration seems more impressive and all comprehensive. The science of public administration offers even greater .difficulties, but observation and experience have, particularly during the last over five decades, provided a mass of exercise of deductive faculties, and the statistician is constantly providing him with materials for fresh deduction or for the verification of general propositions previously advanced.”. Rather using his command, he should rely on persuasion, resourcefulness and tact. But by established usage the term “has come to signify primarily the organiza­tion, personnel, practices and procedures essential to the effective performance of the civilian functions entrusted to the executive branch of governments”. It includes a study of executive-legislature relationship, politico-adminis­trative activities of the cabinet, minister-official relationships, etc. New Public Administration advocates humanism; decentralization; delegation; pluralism; personal growth; individual dignity through the pres­tige values of Public administration have been economy, productivity; and centralization. Narcissus-like, looking on itself with complete satisfaction. Their job is to plan, programme and organize all the activities in an organisation so as to achieve the desired ends. That is not a correct view and hardly appeals to logical mind. According to Simon, three sets of issues must be dealt with in a book on Public Administration Firstly it must treat the major problems of top-level organization ; secondly, it must be grounded thoroughly on the psychology of human relations in organizations and thirdly, it must analyze administration in its broader political and governmental setting. Administration is not an end in itself but a means to the human welfare; hence its study cannot be divorced from the study of human behaviour. It is generally presumed that in democracy, bureaucracy is a misnomer. It may also be remarked that Public Administration is only a means to the attainment of the objects of the State itself namely, the maintenance of peace and order, the progressive achievement of justice, the instruction of the young, protection against disease and insecurity, the adjustment and compromise of conflicting groups and interest—in short, the attainment of good life. According to Charles worth, “Administration is an art because it requires fineness, leadership, zeal and lofty convictions.” In the words of Ordway Tead, “Administration is a fine art because it summons an imposing body of special talents on behalf of collaborative creation which is integral to the conduct of civilized living today.”. A brief analysis of the different approaches is as follows: This is the earliest approach to the study of public administration. intellectual basis, and a change of emphasis in the social science disciplines. He should have “an agreeable personality, possess the ability to get along with the people, have character and integrity, have qualities of leadership, and be able to make a high percentage of correct decisions without undue procrastination. There is a school of thought which holds that in the future the tendency will be from the administration of persons towards the administration of things. Administration has to do with human beings for which it is meant. In the field of government he must possess some aptitude for getting along with politicians.”. Such an exactness is next to impossible in public administration as it deals with the human beings and their resultant behaviour. The followers of this method hope that when a sufficient number of case studies in various fields of administration are made and published, it will make possible the formulation of principles of administration which will help the administrators in arriving at the proper solution of adminis­trative problems. L. Urwick also contended “there are certain principles which govern the association of human beings for any purpose just as there are certain engineering principles which govern the building of a bridge such principles should take priority over all traditional, personal or political consider­ations”. Prof L.D. Quite the contrary, any matter of public authorities to national or international scope, or groups expressing particular interests is managed by the system of governance. The POSDCoRB view takes into con­sideration only the common techniques of administration and ignores the study of the ‘subject- matter’ with which an agency is concerned. A good knowledge of the principles of public administration would help the administrator to good action but the knowing is not a substitute for action. "vA The role of critical theory in Public Administration is extensively discussed. They were edited by Luther Gulick and L. Urwick and were published by the Institute of Public Administration New york (USA). In the latter case varying attitude may cause such results. “Administration is a variety of component elements which together in action produce the result of getting done a defined task with which a group of people is charged. He said politics is policy making while administration is policy execution. Raadschelders and Lee’s(2011) review of articles in Public Administration Review found that foreign academics authored or co-authored 131 articles in Public Administration Review among the 904 total pub-lished in the period 2000–2009. Many individuals who were placed in charge of public administration revolutionized it and left their mark for generations to come. It is commonly seen that large organisations result in depersonalization and reduce the employees to almost cogs in the machine. Taylor gave a great fillip to the use of scientific method in the development of effective techniques of organi­zation and management and of budgeting and supply. Later they expected them to be let alone. Therefore, the pursuit of greater and seasoned knowledge of public administration becomes the most essen­tial element in modern times. A wider view of public administration so as to include the activities of all the three branches of the government on their agencies whether international, regional, local or national in their scope will make the subject unwieldy. Firstly, reliving another person’s life through case studies hardly succeeds. Evidently its range is very comprehensive. Luther Gulick also writes the same way. In fact, quite a sizable number of administrative institutions can be comprehended in the light of their past by adopting this ap­proach For instance it is rather difficult to understand Indian National Congress without going into its origin and its phases of development vis-a-vis the British rulers’ high handedness at times and reconciliatory attitude towards its leaders as well. Staffing means the recruitment the training of the personnel and their conditions of work. Fifth Stage of Public Administration (1971 - 1990) New Public Administration 6. “Its preoccupation has been with power, sovereign and subsidiary. The bureaucrats who are worried about lucrative postings and out of turn promotions become psychophants and dance to the tune of erring politicians. An officer who possesses knowledge of the science of public administration will be a successful administrator just as a painter knowing the laws of composition and decomposition of light shall be a great painter. Administration is not purely a legal structure but it is essentially a problem of human relations. There is a difference of opinion among the thinkers on whether Public Administration is a science or not. Such intervention only impairs the efficiency of administration and it ceases to be an effective instrument for the realization of nation’s ideals. He held that one could discover the best way of principles of managing everything. In the working of government there is an inter-mingling of politics and administration. His method was to break down each task into its component parts, study the movement of the workers, experiment with different work methods and procedure and finally adopt those which proved most efficient. Administration of some sort has existed since earliest times and in the course of history a large and extensive volume of knowledge accumulated which formed the science of administration. It studies these activities and functions, frames concepts, formulates theories and shapes models. To analyze and through analysis to understand and through under­standing to make possible the final function of rational and creative action—this is the highest end which man can conceive for himself.”, Wallace B. Donham writes, “Administration is a social science with its own techniques, its own abstractions clustering around the concept of action through human organizations, and its own problems of theory. (ix) According to Luther Gulick, “Public administration is that part of the science of administration which has to do with Government and thus concerns itself primarily with the executive branch where the work of the Government is done.”. It represents the static pattern of administration which may be called the “Anatomy” of administration. If, on the other hand, we rightly use the term in connection with a body of systematized knowledge, derived from experience and observation, then Public Admin­istration is a science. However the approach is not immune from flaws. The third stage in the evolution of the theory of public administration is known as the era of challenge because the above mentioned principles and iron cage/mechanistic view of administration and workers was challenged. (iii) Modern era is generally described as ‘era of war and terrorism’. It will not be out of place to point out that New Public administration is American phenomenon. (iv) Harvey Walker holds, “The work which the government does to give effect to a law is called administration. The thinkers of mechanical approach assert that administration is separate from politics. Today we see a great bulk of departments around us with new departments coming into being off and on. However, Public administration is mainly defined as government in action. It is a process of work in a departmental store, a bank, a school, a hotel or a city.’ We give below some definitions of the word ‘Administration’ to be followed by more pompous word ‘Public administration’. Since one third of the popu­lation of India lives below poverty line and illiteracy is also hunting, public administration is playing effective role in bringing down inflation, imparting education to the maximum (passage of right to education is the latest instance) and Health care steps throughout the country. Deterioration in socio-economic conditions of Indians is being attributed to ineffective administration at various levels of government. White adopts this view of public administration. Fetal stage - From around 9 weeks after fertilization and ends with birth. Importance of Public Administration in Democracy: Essay # 8. Privacy Policy 8. It is ‘the technique of administering, the process of work­ing,’ i.e., the ‘how’ of administration. There is that danger at times in both types of society, whether it is what might be called Capitalist Society or Communist Society. There are welfare agencies of public administration by which the child will benefit. They have to abide by rules and regulations laid down by the state. This approach takes within its purview all aspects of administrative activities. Plagiarism Prevention 4. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 1025 PRESENTATION BY GERALD MATHEW MACHULU He says that while analysing the role of public administration in the sphere of development the entire issue must be viewed not through Western eyes because the states of Europe and America have already reached a mature stage of economic development and the concept of management or public administra­tion has assumed different shape and dimension. In fact, even the term, public administration, did not exist earlier than the end of eighteenth century. Embryonic stage - From the 2nd-week post-fertilization to the 8th week of development. Mersen says, “Science is investigation and observation, followed by tabulation, classification and correlation. Report a Violation, Public Administration: Definition, Nature and Dimension, Difference between Public Administration and Private Administration. While doing this however, the focus which, was identified to be on the hierarchical, bureaucracy was shifted to markets and private sector organisations. Its origin can be traced from the European tradition of rooting public administration in law. A case narrates of what actually has taken place in administration. It implies internal control as well as external respon­sibility to law courts, legislature and the people. (ii) Emergence of concept of planning for the socio-economic amelioration of the lot of the common man has also led to the development of skillful and elaborate administration. The Administrative Science should study the ‘facts’ of human behaviour without getting involved in the question of ‘values’. Its main advocates are L.D. In actual fact a bunch of papers on the subject came to light entitled ‘Papers on the science of Administration. While procedures are important, human approach to problems of management and administrative operations should not be neglected. Fifthly, the scope of normative value in public administration can be minimized but it cannot be eliminated altogether. Essay # 2. Demoralization of administrator’s who constitute the bedrock of democracy leads to rude shaking of democratic edifice and eventually its inevitable fall. (ii) Between the administrative machinery and the people. Prof. L.D. Essay # 1. According to modern authorities, the subject Public Administration is being put to two usages it is an activity and it also refers to the discipline of intellectual inquiry and study. Walker admits that it is difficult to give a comprehensive statement as to what the ‘applied administration’ should exactly include because of the new and fast-growing field of public administration. It cuts to the soul of government. It is because the characteristic of bureaucracy make it behave in predictable way 1. These views are: According to this view, public administration is a sum-total of all the activities undertaken in pursuit of and in fulfillment of public policy. White has described the American federal administration in its formative period through his four studies entitled The Federalists, Jeffersonian, Jacksonians and the Republican Era. White has defined administration as a ‘process, common to all group effort; public or private, civil or military, large scale or small scale. As already said Adminis­tration is, therefore, a necessary activity of every human grouping. Hodgson holds “Public Administration comprises all activities of persons or groups in governments or their agencies whether these organisations are international, regional or local in scope to fulfill the purposes of these governments or agencies.”. However, science of administration can never be precise and exact science like the Physi­cal Sciences. Before taking action the mind has to be made up on the basis of science but ultimately there must be action to achieve the desired result and the action is an art. As students of Public Admin­istration we are concerned with the narrowest meaning of the term.”. Fifth Stage of Public Administration (1971 - 1990) New Public Administration 6. In fact, it is more an art than a science because it is much more practical than theoretical. The study of public administration as an independent discipline began only recently. Thus the activities of all persons from top to bottom constitute administration although they are of varying significance to the running of administrative machinery. Administration primarily is the direction of people in association to achieve some goal temporarily shared. It doesn’t matter whether someone has money or not, they must be treated fairly. All this experience has been pooled together, analyzed, correlated and systematized and it has been possible to formulate certain principles of administration which serve as a guide to the administrators. The principles enunciated in these works were the principles of statecraft, politics and economics. Include the following points: Identify the nutritional needs for a developing embryo and fetus and how to obtain them. Understanding the ongoing transformation of public sector organisations across the world is a vital task for organisational researchers and public administration scholars alike. They laid emphasis on the principle of dichotomy between politics and administration. Since the convening of the Minnow-brook conference in 1968 and publication of Towards a New Public Administration Minnow-brook Perspective edited by Frank Manm the era of New Public administration is said to have dawned’. 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