Darth Vader nearly lost to obi-wan twice. !I don't know anything about them!!!!!!!!☹️. In his later life, Bane, began to worry that his apprentice, the female Sith Zannah, was too weak to overthrow him, as is needed in the Law of Two. Some may even argue that it's solely because they wanted the female protagonist to surpass all her male counterparts... who knows. I also didnt like how you did add vader on this list but not one of the strongest sith of all time darth nihilus! Perhaps you will be disappointed by this choice, but I have to make it. Refusing to be forgotten, Kun's spirit made one last stand by trying to corrupt Skywalker's students and nearly ripping Luke's own spirit from his body. Over 5,000 years before Luke was bulls-eyeing womp rats on Tatooine, Ragnos reigned supreme throughout the galaxy. OK you guy's are Flat out idiot's, Why do you think Darth Sidious told anakin he could save his loved ones?Huh think you know? As an unassuming fuddy-duddy politician, Palpatine swindled his way up the ranks of the Galactic Senate to the very top. Question: Why is Revan below Plagueis and Palpatine on this list of most powerful Sith lords? You know, because he's the chosen one. His era far precedes that of the previous Sith. The Empire Darth Sidious created was like nothing the galaxy had ever seen. I'm not going to spoil the villain, but you destroy him because no matter how strong he is, he has a very exploitable flaw that renders that all useless... and that's his only chance at winning against at any other Sith in this list. One of his allies sabotaged his fresh supply of clones, and Sidious, with no body to occupy, desperately tried to take the body of Anakin Solo, Vader's grandson and the son of Leia and Han Solo, but he didn't succeed and finally perished. Abnormally gifted, the Emperor was able to employ a number of innovative, lost, and rare Force techniques. But to me, Disney's take on Star Wars is trash, and I'm not considering it. In the movies we see palpatine: 2.hold his own against yoda in a duel for 40 seconds and defeat yoda in the force. Vitiate was the Sith Lord who reigned the longest. What about Darth Momin? When Luke was already the grand master of a new Jedi Order, Kun tried to turn his students, killing one in the process. He was created to show what would have happened if Luke had joined his father. Darth Traya controlled lightsabers with her mind. It's like a survival of the fittest. The strongest Jedi in my opinion is between Luke Skywalker, Yoda and Revan. As proof, this Force wrecking ball handily defeated Darth Vader (albeit one far from 100%) and held his own against Darth Sidious. Back in 1993, we learned about the ancient Jedi Knights and how the first Sith War went down. Thousands of years later, in what is all now part of defunct Extended Universe story lines, Luke Skywalker chose the site of the temple as the home of his new Jedi Academy. In terms of the strongest force users, he's one of the most underrated yet most powerful. After being trained by Nadd, he destroyed his master's spirit and set off to dominate the galaxy, waging a destructive onslaught against the Republic known as the Great Sith War. Darth Revan is the most popular Star Wars character you never heard of. In the end, he achieved his goal by becoming the most powerful Sith of all time. Nevertheless he took another great Sith as an apprentice, Darth Vitiate, and he even came back as a spirit. I feel like it should be like this (I don't include Revan due to him eventually being a Jedi): 1. The Sith are the main antagonists in the fictional universe of the Star Wars franchise. You should watch the movie again. Though he never became as powerful as he could have been, Darth Vader served under his lord and became the ultimate Jedi killer. A great deal of time later, King Ommin resurrected Freedon Nadd, and he took a new apprentice, one that was meant to be the greatest and strongest Sith Lord of all time. Vader was a Dark Lord of the Sith, Palpatine no longer saw Vader fit to be trained due to his cumbersome life support systems. After all, how many people can say they killed Liam Neeson? While he has never shown the abilities of others that follow, the fact that Darth Maul was trained by Darth Sidious and has a natural talent for jumping around like a madman makes him a force to be reckoned with. Also, where's Naga Sadow and Darth Caedus? Since Darth Plagueis operated in the shadows, unbeknownst to the Jedi and rest of the galaxy, he had little need of lightsabers. Palpatine did know how to cheat death, but only to himself. Exar Kun later went and killed the supreme chancellor, and he dueled the grand master of the Jedi Order, who was no match for him. Question: Has Palpatine lied to Anakin about the power to cheat death? After all, he almost defeated Sidious. Which is why we placed him at number seven on our list. I can't really decide on a winner in that case, maybe Anakin due to his superior Jedi training. Tulak Hord was also one of those lords where people said they were the greatest combatants of all time, but all of those, including Ragnos, had lots of people say that. Just ask Yoda. Dark Lord. The one that allowed Vitiate to overcome death was the skill to transfer his mind from one body to another. When Bane was attempting to create his own holocron, to pass down to further Sith Lords, the Jedi sent a task force to kill him. Truly, the most powerful Sith of all time has to be Chancellor Palpatine/Darth Sidious/The Emperor. The answer key is below. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. And you guys might not think this but, When Kylo Ren is mad he is potentially the most powerful sith in existence. Darth Krayt 2. Answer: Many tales and feats of Darth Traya are actually performed by different individuals as Darth Traya was a title several people held at a time, so it's hard to gauge the true extent of any of their individual identity's power. First posited by Reddit user Lumpawarroo, it claims that the Gungan goof is actually a Dark Lord, and everything in the prequels onwards, including The Force Awakens, was orchestrated by Jar Jar. Answer: Well, simply because he doesn't have the power levels to compete with the guys I mentioned. lord vitiate ,lord nihlius and exar kun top 3 period, Darth nihlius should be there he is so powerful an his story is so intriguing, Why no Nihilus he was the strongest Sith he can’t even die, You forgot that Revan had a another apprentice balista Shan of corse. You have to admit, it is a little suspicious that both Palpatine and Jar Jar are conveniently both from Naboo and Jar Jar was the one to grant Palpatine totalitarian control over the galaxy. I mean, if you think that Vader beats palpatine, that also means that amped Luke is in sidious tier. Darth Vitiate or Revan, Sidious is logically the most powerful Sith even past Revan which some seemed to argue but let's apply real logic to this, every generation begins to surpass the last so it makes sense that Sidious, the newest Emperor with all the knowledge of EVERY Sith lord before him including Bane and many others. There, Darth Sidious made Luke duel his father, Vader. Question: Where is the best place to read so much knowledge on sith lords or shall I say the most accurate place? His padawan Malak followed him, and that group won the war for the Republic. However, even more impressive is the legacy he left behind in the young boy named Tenebrae.... Tenebrae, Valkorion. What about Tulak Hord, and to those who say Darth Sidious shouldn't be here, your half wrong. His apprentice, Darth Sidious, killed him in his sleep, though perhaps taking the cowardly route by not doing so in open combat (because he knew he would be hard pressed to stop his master one-on-one). That's incorrect about him being number 2, Revan has a quote that shows he was more powerful than Nihilus. If this were a ranking of coolest sounding Sith or most famous Sith or Sith we'd most like to meet at a party, then Darth Vader would be the undisputed champ. Answer: Fair point, but that is probably coming from someone who doesn't know Palpatine (Sideous) actually came back after Vader killed him. He was very one dimensional. The fact that he could only be beaten by a mistake in the force only further improves how much stronger he is and how he was mich stronger. Not bad for a guy that grew up saying yippee and once sported a mullet. He was a Jedi who desired to protect the countless lives on the outer rim that were threatened by the Mandalorian invasions. Revan 8. He is the original Sith Emperor and though secret for most of history, remains one of the most powerful and long lived Sith Lords to ever walk the stars. Now seriously, they were phenomenal and they did feature in my Top 50 Sith list... but I had to choose for the Top 10. He also once bested Revan and was Darth Plagueis's muse since Plagueis envied his knowledge. The foundations of a well-established Sith Empire were laid. He also marked his place in Sith history when he created his own Sith Order. He would beat them with his allies though, through a laid out plan with his superior strategy skills. Answer: I think the Sith Lords are stronger, but the Jedi are more numerous. Vader has accolades, palpatine has actual feats. Zannah and Cognus aren't really top 10 material. Be sure to subscribe! And of course, there's the fact she could telekinetically combat her foes with three lightsabers at once, each seemingly fighting with a will of their own. However, he has no Force knowledge or mastery of the ways of the Force and certainly didn't reach the power levels of the guys on this list. But it gets harder when you pit him against Luke. Ummmm are you kidding me?! If there was any question of his abilities, he was trained by both Yoda and Darth Sidious. He killed Darth Plagueis (admittedly while he slept), led the Jedi as Chancellor while secretly giving rise to a powerful Sith uprising, before creating the Death Star (twice) and running riot … He wasn’t a dark Jedi, he adopted the sith philosophy and used the dark side of the force. This is ridiculous to even debate Sith's who are mearly just cartoon characters. He discovered a way to transfer his soul to a clone when he dies so that he can cheat death, but he doesn't know how to do that to others, so you can consider that a lie. To be a Sith you must fulfill some parameters, and undergo certain rituals. All in all, between the cream of the cream in lightsaber dueling skill, those 4 are miles apart from the others, and maybe I should have added that to the piece - however, measuring them all, I thought Tulak Hord had a little bit less than the one I chose to star in this article. Question: Who would win a fair 1v1 showdown, Darth Maul or Darth Vader? He defeated Qui Gon and Obi-Wan, and if it was not for his arrogance he could have finished Obi-Wan while he was hanging. He wielded a Sith sword, and his mastery of the Force made him nearly invulnerable in battle. I dont see why darth maul was up here if you wonder why, i have a theory as follows, Darth maul was born from mother talzin and a nightbrother, talzin didnt just choose any nightbrother she held a tornament and found the most powerful force sensitive nightbrother there, the sum of 2 force sensitives means the offspreing will be more powerful than the parents. How has this made you feel about the list now? Obi-Wan Kenobi, his former Jedi Master, dueled him in Mustafar and won, leaving Vader to die in a lava bath. Adept in the seven forms of lightsaber combat with advanced telepathic abilities, Emperor Palpatine believed Galen's strength could one day rival his own. Will there is no doubt Darth sidious is the most powerful sith lord. Revan is my favorite character. The voice that launched a thousand toy lines. Probably is one of only a couple Sith who could potentially beat Luke. Either way, he's still pretty evil. However, the Jedi soon became aware of this and began an attack against the temple. He then went to meet Nadd's apprentice—that's right, the greatest Sith Lord who ever lived, whom I shall not name yet. Known by the codename Starkiller, Galen first appeared in The Force Unleashed video game. In the same way that Luke stumbled upon the seemingly annoying and insignificant Yoda during The Empire Strikes Back, could history have repeated itself when Qui Gon toppled over Jar Jar on Naboo? Of course, the Sith have gotten attention here and there as well. Social Media: Facebook - DanCo Twitter - @officialdanco1 That man has become a Dark force ghost taking over planets and consuming them turning everybody on the planet in to mind slaves there is no Sith that even came close to that power. Home » Star Wars » [Star Wars] Top 10 Strongest, Most Powerful Jedi of All Time The Jedi Order was a group of force-sensitive individuals called Jedi Knights. Most powerful Jedi/Sith Lord ever. Answer: The Black Lightsaber is the most powerful lightsaber of all in my oppinion. 1.killed an old Ben because Ben let him do it. For thousands of years, they've been Force choking their way across the galaxy, churning out some of the greatest villains known to man, Wookie, and Ewok. Darth Nihilus isn't on this list cause he was a wound in the force, Darth Nihilus is all so most strong Sith it killed most of the Jedi Darth Nihilus should be up here too. Answer: He couldn't use Force Lightning Powers due to his suit and had incomplete knowledge of the Force. In the Extended Universe, it was implied that Plagueis even caused the immaculate conception of Anakin Skywalker. Established by a rogue Jedi during the Hundred-Year Darkness, the Sith sought further knowledge and power through learning the dark side of the Force. The urge to kill one's superior is intrinsic to the nature of our enterprise. That fact alone earns him some serious respect. Exar kun got defeated by a bunch of kids. Question: if Darth Vader killed Darth Sidious why is he the number 10 most powerful Sith Lord while Paplitine is number 2? Answer: Because they wanted to blow the other Jedi out of the water and make her super powerful. @Liv yeah palpatine should be number one. They were awesome another thing I was quite upset about was the fact about Darth Krayt. No matter which of his many names you know him by, Lord Vitiate was one of the most powerful Force-sensitive beings to ever live. He operated publicly as the banker Hugo Damask II, which allowed him to deviously influence intergalactic politics and finance from behind-the-scenes. Darth Zannah killed Bane btw lol. As Anakin Skywalker only excelled in the martial aspect of the force - Plagueis only excelled in the study aspect of the force. Answer: Force-users depend on their Midi-Chlorians. Known for the massive, magic-imbued, He-Man-esque sword he kept by his side, we only wish we could have seen him go up against the likes of fellow duelists Darth Maul and Exar Kun. (Kind of like the Kardashians, only less evil.) Question: I like Darth Maul. He was even known to imbue portions of himself in infants, forming an army known as the Children of the Emperor. Just before he could conquer it, he was captured and brainwashed into the Light Side. Answer: Maul was a really great fighter. Darth Sidious. Darth Nihilus was one of the most powerful and feared Sith to have ever existed. Vader lost, and Luke refused to kill him screaming, "I am a Jedi, like my father before me!" And this was a few months from when Vader was at his most powerful in ROTJ. Then you add Kreia which scares the s*** out of me. Question: Is Marka Ragnos more powerful than Exar Kun? Rui Carreira (author) from Torres Novas on July 28, 2020: He learned the Sith Philosophy, but didn't adopt it. if it wasn't for his master replacing him, and his knowledge being limited he would have learned SOOO much more. he was referring to more than just creating a comedic foil whose face makes you throw up in your mouth and want to jump off the highest building in sight? Question: Who was the Supreme Chancellor that Exar Kun defeated? I guess when people watch the movies they think that those sith are the most powerful. He also used force lightning. If you liked this list, check out my article on the 10 strongest Jedi of all time. They had a strict philosophy under the Jedi Code, although sometimes questioned by certain members. I think that if all Sith lords had a fair fight, Sidious would come out on top. Have we gotten the order all wrong? Unless you've played the video game Knights of the Old Republic and are well versed in the Expanded Universe, in which case you're probably all about this master of the Force. The 10 Most Powerful Sith Lords In The Star Wars Universe. For those who've never ventured further into the Star Wars galaxy than the films, many of these names may be unfamiliar. Equally as capable with a lightsaber as the Force, this Sith Lord is as well-rounded as they come. This condition eventually consumed his physical body, eroding it until nothing but a spirit remained, which he later bound to armor and a mask so as to have a visible presence. Which is why it was such a shame he split so soon. When I think of which Sith are the "strongest" or "most powerful", it's Darth Vader. Revan was a powerful Jedi Knight who was trained in the Jedi Temple of Dantooine. Question: Why is Darth Vader not as powerful as the rest of these Sith lords? We never saw a true testament of his skills with a lightsaber, but his mastery of Force lightning and the ability to warp reality are bar none. The biggest proof of his power is that he made Star Wars’ god Lucas to say without a doubt that he was the most powerful Sith Lord of all time. As the story goes, Galen was abducted by Darth Vader and trained as his secret apprentice. Answer: Sort of. - Maul was actually Darth Vader's secret apprentice. So Revan, displaying the best diplomatic abilities and leadership virtues of all the saga, mustered an enormous number of Jedi to go fight with him, disobeying the council. Darth maul got killed by obi wan. First of all some of these sith are much stronger than others on this list, like revan is stronger than sidious. In fact, I even wrote an article on another website with the ultimate Top 50 Sith Lords of all time. Instead, he was wiped from it, thanks to the elimination of EU from canon, and refashioned as a massively impractical death base in The Force Awakens. Answer: To be completely honest, his character was still being written at the time I made this Top list. This list is wrong. He valued knowledge above all, and here is something he said to his apprentice Darth Sidious once: If you don't already want to murder me, you will before I'm through with you. My opinion stands. Eager to put his Rule of Two (more on that in a bit) in action, he took the young girl as his apprentice and trained her in the ways of the Dark Side. Palpatine is far more powerful than Vader. He made it his personal mission to conduct the Great Jedi Purge. Answer: That honor falls upon Ajunta Pall, the first Dark Jedi to have the title of Dark Lord of the Sith. 1 Darth Sidious Sheev Palpatine (also known by his Sith identity Darth Sidious and publicly as Senator Palpatine, then Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, and later Emperor Palpatine) is a fictional character and one of the primary antagonists of the Star Wars franchise, mainly portrayed by Ian McDiarmid. He became so powerful and concentrated that he left corporeal form and became a literal living force entity. Period! When he was attacked by the traitor Ulic Qel-Droma and his thousands of troops, he separated his body from his spirit. Question: How do you think Exar would have fared on Medriaas during that dark ritual? While he may be the most boring Sith to ever live, his strong showing as a dueler, strategist, and Force wielder, most notably against Yoda, deserves a tip of the cap. Darth Revan became the Lord of the Sith and Malak his apprentice. He was skilled in dueling using two lightsabers, cutting down any and all who attempted to overtake his throne. In the end, there can be no secrets between us; no jealousy or mistrust. The Q&A says kylo can be stronger than Vader because of Rey’s power and Disney hate and not actual feats by kylo himself. An icon with no equal, and our unanimous favorite of the lot. He possessed his mask and resurrected himself? Was Yoda meant to battle his big eared, nonsensically speaking equivalent at the end of Attack of Clones? If you were you would be in the films too! Darth Sidious, the Sith you may know as Senator Palpatine. I know its a long shot but I love all of the choices on this list but its hard to put more in that top list. Answer: He was a great leader and a "doer", but he didn't have the knowledge or the fighting power to beat any of these two. He stole a very ancient Sith holochron, which he used to gain even more power. Who is the greatest Sith Lord of all time? Born of people's need to compare the Sith and compile a mental list of the greatest Sith ever alive, here are the top 10. Ultimately, he freed himself by accepting the Dark Side and unleashing the full extent of his powers, after which he proclaimed himself the new Dark Lord of the Sith. His greatest contribution was bringing to fruition Darth Bane's Grand Plan. He could cheat death it's self from what plagueis had taught him. The reason why he is contained in his mask and robe is due to how strong he had become because it was making him fade away. The Jedi's loss was a Sith gain when she eventually turned to the Dark Side as well and ended up nearly destroying her former Order by kickstarting the first Jedi Purge. Yeah sorry to ruin for you all, but Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader are the strongest Jedi and Sith Lord, although Darth Vader may also be classified as a Jedi (Anakin Skywalker, Return of the Jedi) and together they are the most powerful. My favorite Sith of all time is Darth Malgus. Some guy who knows Star Wars on January 01, 2020: Darth Nihilus is like a bajillion times stronger than people presume as he has been contained , which is why he has a mask on partly. Thanks to The Clone Wars, where Bane's creation of the Rule of Two was established, he's now back in as proof of how easily aspects of the Expanded Universe can be brought into the fold. I have: 1.defeated obi wan in 30 seconds despite toying with him(aotc), 2.defeated obi wan in one minute while fighting anakin(rots). So There! Question: Are there any more Sith Lords that you know about? In this reformed role, Revan killed his former apprentice, Dark Lord Malak, and was ironically heralded as a hero of the Republic. Did we leave out any of your favorite Sith Lords? Instead, they found the Star Forge, an automated shipyard that allowed them to produce an immense fleet and give them power, which seduced them to becoming Sith. Unfortunately, more than half of his body burned after dueling with Obi-Wan, and after the burn Anakin - Vader - had less than half his midi-chlorians, and his life support suit even stopped him from channeling some force abilities, severely diminishing his power. Ulic then exiled himself and took Nomi Sunrider's daughter as an apprentice. Period. The way I see it, there are about 3-4 Siths who qualify for that honor... but those Siths have very little way of comparison between them. "There must always be a Darth Traya". So let's throw those all the way out, they are completely irrelevant. It was Plagueis that orchestrated the fall of the Republic and made it possible for Palpatine to rise as Emperor. Plagueis had taught him everything he knew before getting killed hundreds of more Sith Lords out the whole life of! That by itself is enough to be defenseless to lure Anakin to the /!! I do n't include Revan due to his style was one of the 's... 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