“Some cities or states have taken steps to require employers to offer adequate wages and protections against earnings loss for health reasons,” says Jennifer Romich, PhD, an associate professor and director of the West Coast Poverty Center at the University of Washington. Padgett and Henwood coauthored the book Housing First: Ending Homelessness, Transforming Systems and Changing Lives, which was published in 2016, and have lectured globally about the Housing First approach. “The focus of [the Grand Challenges] is to generate some intellectual, fiscal, academic, and practice interest around the social problems facing our society,” says James Herbert Williams, PhD, MSW, MPA, director of the School of Social Work and Arizona Centennial Professor of Social Welfare Services at Arizona State University and a member of the steering committee of the Grand Challenges Executive Committee. 1 Keywords American Academy of Social Work & Social Welfare, Grand Challenges for Social Work, adolescents, depression, health, Medicaid, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of, policy, primary care, race, social justice, social services, youth Additional progress includes advocacy through the drafting and sharing of position statements by organizations such as CSWE, as well as the 2018 publications of Preparing Bilingual, Bicultural Social Workers to Serve the Growing Latino Population in America, a special issue of the Journal of Teaching and Social Work edited by Calvo, and Facing Segregation: Housing Policy Solutions for a Stronger Society, edited by Molly W. Metzger, PhD, and Henry S. Webber, MPP. The network has also been focused on incorporating awareness of homelessness and the Housing First approach in curriculum and field instruction, working with the National Center for Excellence in Homeless Services and partnering with the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) to create a curriculum guide. “There is a great deal of current research underway on policies and practices that may impact decarceration,” says Matt Epperson, PhD, MSW, an associate professor and director of the Smart Decarceration Project at the University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration. Ensure Healthy Development for All Youth Grand Challenges are an element of the President’s Strategy for American Innovation because they help catalyze breakthroughs that advance national priorities. Most importantly, Williams says, it has sparked a conversation. 3. Improving training and prevention is one goal of the coalition. As the Grand Challenges campaign kicks off and progresses, other issues can and will be addressed based on stakeholder feedback about critical needs and opportunities. End Homelessness “It has created a dialogue and a discourse across our profession,” he notes. The Grand Challenges for Social Work: An Update 7. Vol. “We need to understand better the long-term consequences of systemic inequity,” says Rocío Calvo, PhD, an associate professor at the Boston College School of Social Work and coleader of the network. Grand Challenges for Social Work shared a link. Much of the progress made by this Grand Challenge has surrounded the development and planned implementation of CDAs—child development accounts (also known as child savings accounts)—says Trina R. Shanks, PhD, an associate professor and director of community engagement at the University of Michigan School of Social Work. And colead Lisa Reyes Mason, PhD, MSW, an associate professor and PhD program director at the University of Tennessee College of Social Work, edited with Jonathan Riggs, PhD, MSW, the recently released People and Climate Change. Cleveland, OH: American Academy of Social Work & Social … We are very excited to have the opportunity to include our Grand Challenge work in the collaborative,” Jenson says. Additionally, in 2018, the First Step Act was signed into law. Representatives from each of the Grand Challenge networks share how they’re taking important steps to address key social problems impacting society. Challenges Social Work Today takes a look at the progress made toward addressing the 12 Grand Challenges for Social Work.Representatives from each of the Grand Challenge networks share how they’re taking important steps to address key social problems impacting society. “Also, there is focus on social exclusion that addresses the impact of racism, xenophobia, sexism, gentrification, and other attitudes that separate and cause groups of individuals to be excluded and experience social isolation at a macro level.”. In this episode, our guest Dr. Michael Kelly explores current criticisms pertaining to the formation of the 12 Grand Challenges for the field of Social Work. “An array of research and intervention efforts is endeavoring to help states to integrate information across service sectors and to aggregate state data to give a bigger picture of the longitudinal impact of violence,” he says. Each month, we will focus on one of the Grand Challenges. The network has also been focused on prevention and advocating for access to health care and insurance for all, particularly as the Affordable Care Act is threatened. Check out our posts on Facebook and Twitter all month to see what folks have been up to! The social work profession has not yet taken a leadership role in addressing the myriad of challenges that individuals on the autism spectrum encounter across the lifespan. “Similarly,” he continues, “social work stands at the forefront of community empowerment and advocacy activities through its involvement with promoting community representation in the governance of health delivery systems and intervention development that is community grounded.”. “In my opinion, the greatest progress has been elevating awareness of the negative health impact of social isolation on individuals and communities,” says Sandra Edmonds Crewe, PhD, MSW, ACSW, dean and a professor of social work at Howard University. 6. “In Seattle, I’m part of evaluation teams for our paid sick leave law and our $15 minimum wage.”, Additionally, “Among the Grand Challenges there is ongoing effort to make extreme economic inequality a matter of public discourse,” says Laura Lein, PhD, dean and a professor emerita at the University of Michigan. We will put the UK at the forefront of the AI and data revolution. Artificial Intelligence and machine learning are general purpose technologies already starting to transform the global economy. On April 2, 2013, President Obama called on companies, research universities, foundations, and philanthropists to join him in identifying and pursuing the Grand Challenges of the 21 st century. “We are talking about big issues, big problems that are impacting who we are.”. Cleveland, OH: American Academy of Social Work Their 14 game-changing goals for improving life on the planet, announced in 2008, are outlined here. The American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare launched the Grand Challenges for Social Work in 2016 to galvanize social work expertise, education, research and practice. “The Grand Challenge to end homelessness (GCEH) has used varied means—both local and national—to influence homeless services to promote the prevention, early intervention, and, ultimately, the end of homelessness in the U.S.,” says Deborah K. Padgett, PhD, MPH, a professor at the Silver School of Social Work at New York University, speaking on behalf of her Grand Challenge colead Benjamin Henwood, PhD, LCSW. Harness Technology for Social Good The Grand Challenges for Social Work: An Update 6). But the No. The Grand Challenges for Social Work initiative, led by the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare, invites social work researchers to direct their work toward society’s most pressing problems. Additionally, presentations at social work conferences have focused on social isolation across the lifespan—a life course perspective.” This means that the focus has not just been on the isolation of older adults but also on individuals of all ages. Through the early 20 th Century, water was typically supplied through lead pipes; not until 1986 were lead-containing service lines for new plumbing systems banned nationwide. Ensure healt… “The First Step Act signaled to the country that there is bipartisan support for substantial criminal justice reforms,” says colead Carrie Pettus-Davis, PhD, an associate professor at Florida State University College of Social Work and founding director of the Institute for Justice Research & Development. all month to see what folks have been up to! 8. 11). With (and even without) those, the leaders and dedicated network members of the Grand Challenges for Social Work will continue the progress already made. “Network colleagues have completed systematic reviews on children and adolescents,” Edmonds Crewe says. They can be seen as new industries in their own right, but they are also transforming business models across many sectors as they deploy vast datasets to identify better ways of doing complex tasks – from helping doctors diagnose medical conditions more effectively to allowing people to communicate across the gl… Promote Smart Decarceration The challenges are modeled after a similar undertaking led by the National Academy of Engineering. 1 Grand Challenges have been used for more than a century across different fields to address significant societal issues. In December, we will be highlighting the Grand Challenge to Close the Health Gap. The coalition recently wrote and approved a strategic plan to guide its work. “There is an increasing amount of research that is recognizing the need for settings-based research and interventions throughout social work, as well as in allied health sciences,” says Mike Spencer, PhD, MSW, a presidential term professor at the University of Washington School of Social Work and director of Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander and Oceanic Affairs at the Indigenous Wellness Research Institute. “TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) and the major welfare programs in the country include these asset limits,” he says. 1. The Grand Challenge to build financial capability and assets for all (FCAB) shares the CDA progress with the reducing extreme economic inequality challenge—both having identified it as a target area. Policy recommendations for meeting the Grand Challenge to End Homelessness (Grand Challenges for Social Work Initiative Policy Brief No. One significant step toward these goals has been the launch of the School Success Project. Align education, training, and social welfare policies and programs to the new world of work. Grand Challenges Fall 2020: Quantity: Additional Items Donation for CSW Student Support Donation for CSW Student Support Price: $5.00-$50.00 We are pleased to waive our standard CEU fees at this difficult time. “Our new book advances the Grand Challenge by diving deeply into people’s lived experiences of climate change, calling attention to how the unequal impacts of climate change are a pressing and urgent social justice issue,” Reyes Mason says. “They are too numerous to list,” says Samantha Teixeira, PhD, MSW, an assistant professor at Boston College School of Social Work. Through the collection of data and use of evidence-based methods, the project hopes to help schools reduce the disproportionality of discipline for all minority groups. In 2015, the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare launched the Grand Challenges for Social Work, an initiative that identified 12 areas in which the profession could come together and collaborate on how best to take action. “One of the greatest challenges toward continued progress is in making social workers aware of their role and responsibility in addressing both the causes and consequences of climate change,” says Lawrence Palinkas, PhD, Albert G. and Frances Lomas Feldman Professor of Social Policy and Health at the Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work at the University of Southern California. Social progress powered by science From stopping family violence to closing the health gap and ending homelessness, the most pressing issues facing America today have one thing in common: a social factor. “Criminal Justice and Behavior is dedicating a special issue to smart decarceration research, and that issue should be in print some time in 2020.”, Additionally, courses and curriculum are being created to help train upcoming social workers on decarceration. “One of the most exciting decarceration efforts,” Epperson says, “is bail reform. The reducing extreme economic inequality network is also focusing on pay, as well as paid time off. Reduce Extreme Economic Inequality “We created the Coalition for the Promotion of Behavioral Health to guide and conduct the work of the Grand Challenge,” says Jeff Jenson, PhD, Philip D. and Eleanor G. Winn Endowed Professor for Children and Youth at the Graduate School of Social Work at the University of Denver and chair of the coalition. The Grand Challenges for Social Work is an initiative spearheaded by the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare. © 2020 by Grand Challenges for Social Work. The modules are available on the coalition’s website and hope to help schools of social work bring more attention to prevention. “One thing we’ve accomplished in the last six to 12 months is [the creation] of three prevention training modules for students in social work and other disciplines,” Jenson says. The network has been working on its policy brief regarding asset limits and recently had a paper accepted for publication. “Despite the drawbacks of the New Parents Act, its introduction highlights the bipartisan acknowledgement that some form of paid leave is urgently needed in the U.S.,” Gonzales says. 19 No. By Sue Coyle, MSW 1 challenge, heard throughout the networks, was the need for more: more funding, more resources, more research. The House bill—the Family and Medical Insurance Leave, or FAMILY, Act—is more comprehensive than the Senate’s New Parents Act, which applies only to parents, not all caregivers. To get a clearer idea of what their progress entails, Social Work Today speaks with representatives from each of the Grand Challenge networks, asking them simply, “What progress has been made toward the goals of your Grand Challenge?” Here’s what they say. Teixeira is collaborating with a team of professionals “to examine the social work implications of the proposed Green New Deal and to call social workers to action around environmental justice policies,” she says. July 22 at 10:21 AM Having a strong message—and being able to convey it—is essential to effective # policy # communications . Since its launch, a collection of social workers throughout the country have worked together in networks. The networks leaders have also worked to connect more efficiently with the Society for Social Work and Research’s special interest group on Violence Against Women, meeting early this past summer. Build Financial Capability for All On the state level, New York implemented its paid family and medical leave program in 2018; Washington, DC, will do the same in the next several months; and the State of Washington’s will go into effect in 2020. “We are involved in efforts to improve these supports in Colorado and six other states across the country.”. In states like New Jersey and California, and in cities like Washington, DC, and Chicago, formal legislation, as well as grassroots efforts are being deployed to either eliminate or drastically reduce the use of punitive cash bail. The committee suggested these Grand Challenges fall into four cross-cutting themes: Sustainability, Health, Security, and Joy of. “With its deep scientific knowledge base, social work is highly qualified to analyze and intervene to help our society make substantial measurable progress in the next decade on conquering these grand challenges,” he … Social Work Today “The study report is expected to be launched in September 2019.”. This progress allows for a broader view of family needs. Create Social Responses to a Changing Environment This brief was created for Social Innovation for America’s Renewal, a policy conference organized by the Center for Social Development at Washington University in collaboration with the American Academy of Social Work & Social Welfare, which is leading the Grand Challenges for Social Work initiative to champion social progress. Social Work Today The Grand Challenge to achieve equal opportunity and justice is working to address gaps in access to education, health care, housing, and employment—issues at the core of the United States’ ever-growing inequality. However, the lack of a specific overarching conceptual framework creates a challenge for moving the GCSW from concept to practice. “Additionally, a consensus study has been initiated through the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine titled ‘Integrating Social Needs Care into the Delivery of Health Care to Improve the Nation's Health,’” he adds. Finally, members of the coalition are active in a national initiative called Supporting Healthy Parenting Programs in Primary Care Settings. A day that celebrates not only having but also being a good neighbor, the Grand Challenge’s leaders hope to highlight the importance of social networks. “Nationally,” she continues, “the most recent initiative of the GCEH is the ‘2020 Essays on Ending Homelessness: A Resource for the Presidential Election.’ We are soliciting creative and innovative essays with recommendations for ending homelessness from nine national leaders in homelessness policy and research.” The essays will be released this fall. We call it harnessing the data, but a key to that is integrating it,” Coulton says. At SSWR 2020, we launched our new calendar! Click on the options below or learn about other ways to join here. — Sue Coyle, MSW, is a freelance writer and social worker in the Philadelphia suburbs. Vol. The Grand Challenges for Social Work was established by the American Academy of Social Welfare and Social Work (AASWSW) in 2016. The nation has struggled to reach consensus on how to rebuild all types of our aging infrastructure, and these challenges are magnified in our highly localized and fragmented water systems. Social workers have provided leadership in research and policy design and have led conferences and events on CDAs, as well. Grand Challenges for Social Work Policy Brief No. The Grand Challenges for Social Work: An Update Social Work Today takes a look at the progress made toward addressing the 12 Grand Challenges for Social Work. “This legislation underscores that we are at a unique moment in time in this country in which there is moral will, political will, and fiscal will for transformation of the criminal justice system.”. Margaret Sherraden and Birkenmaier are authors with J. Michael Collins, PhD, a professor at the University of Wisconsin, of the textbook Financial Capability and Asset Building in Vulnerable Households. For example, “NICHHD [National Institute of Child Health and Human Development] funding to the Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in St. Louis is helping to find efficient ways to link child abuse and juvenile justice data within states and to aggregate them between states,” Barth describes. Eradicate Social Isolation The History of Grand Challenges In 2015 the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare (AASWSW) launched an initiative called the Grand Challenges for Social Work. 9. This work includes the authoring of a guide for instructors and students entitled “Smart Decarceration Practice Behaviors for Social Work Competencies.”. 11. Their progress has taken the form of research, policy recommendations, advocacy, curriculum integration, and more. “We have collected a number of policy options, and we see social workers active in trials of child development accounts, provision of basic income, increased minimum wage, and policies that stabilize work schedules and income.”. 12. Some are unique to the specific Grand Challenge, such as the Grand Challenge to create social responses to a changing environment. Grand Challenges for Social Work By CSD • September 14, 2016 February 6, 2019 The Center for Social Development provided editorial support to facilitate the development of policy briefs for the September 2016 conference, Social Innovation for America’s Renewal: Ideas, Evidence, Action Advance Long and Productive Lives … “Momentum is building toward implementation of paid family and medical leave,” says Ernest Gonzales, PhD, an assistant professor at New York University Silver School of Social Work, speaking on behalf of his coleads Jennifer Greenfield, PhD, MSW; Christina Matz, PhD, MSW, FGSA; and Nancy Morrow-Howell, PhD, MSW. The network will also be holding a media blitz on this year’s National Good Neighbor Day, September 28. “Many social workers feel there are more immediate issues to deal with, even if they acknowledge the seriousness of the problem.”. For example, Teixeira and John Mathias, PhD, MSW, an assistant professor at Florida State University, “are working together to bring together community practitioners, residents, and interdisciplinary researchers to promote research that leads to action to reduce environmental health disparities through an interdisciplinary research conference,” she says. 10. “The Collaborative on Healthy Parenting in Primary Care is an initiative of the Forum on Promoting Children’s Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Health at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 5 P. 16, Recent congressional briefing cosponsored by GCSW highlights the challenges and solutions for Achieving Equal Opportunity and Justice, Promoting Smart Decarceraton,... more, Press Release: Grand Challenges for Social Work Announces Grand Challenge to Eliminate Racism ****** For Immediate Release                                                                 Contact: GCSocialWork@ssw.umaryland.edu... more, Authors: Bo-Kyung Elizabeth Kim, Assistant Professor in the USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work at the University of Southern California,... more. Jenson adds that the coalition has actively been working to improve the infrastructure necessary to deliver tested and effective preventive interventions in states and communities. This is an illustrative list of topics. Close the Health Gap 5. A great deal of the progress made by this Grand Challenge’s network has been research based. “There has been a lot of progress on the state and local level,” says Claudia Coulton, PhD, Lillian F. Harris Professor of Urban Research & Social Change and a distinguished university professor at the Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences at Case Western Reserve University, speaking specifically of efforts to “unlock government data to drive solutions to social problems.”, “Specifically, the progress has been in building integrated data systems across agencies—building those systems not for client services but to harness the data for both policy analysis and practice improvement,” she explains. “Social work must continue to advocate and stay abreast of changes that might be impactful to those most vulnerable,” Spencer says. 1. It not only provides the most up-to-date research, but also alerts the field to gaps in Introduced in 2013 by the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare, the Grand Challenges for Social Work (GCSW) implicitly embrace a public health perspective. He adds that innovations in social work research have been most notably seen with indigenous communities throughout the world. Michael Sherraden has been leading a statewide experiment of CDAs for 12 years in Oklahoma called SEED OK. To date, five U.S. states operate statewide CDAs and four are in planning. 19 No. The Grand Challenges We Face We all rely on government programs – from defense to infrastructure to Social Security, our federal, state and local governments … In 2015, the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare launched the Grand Challenges for Social Work, an initiative that identified 12 areas in which the profession could come together and collaborate on how best to take action. Privacy Policy, Access Grand Challenge's COVID-19 Resources. This is a disincentive to be financially capable and have financial well-being,” he explains. Stop Family Violence “Many states continue to work on responses to the exposure of children to violence,” says Richard P. Barth, PhD, MSW, dean of the University of Maryland School of Social Work, member of the Grand Challenges steering committee, and one of four Stop Family Violence network leads (along with Trish Kohl, PhD; Shanti Kulkarni, PhD, MSW; and Jill Messing, PhD, MSW). Policymakers, faculty, and more an initiative spearheaded by the American Academy of Engineering to the specific Challenge. Research that shows how institutional inequality impacts the opportunities for advancement of vulnerable populations these supports in Colorado and other. Been up to in Social Work: an Update by Sue Coyle, MSW Social Work about other to... A discourse across our profession, ” he explains your Assets to a the grand challenges for social work an update amount the launch the. To help schools of Social Work Today Vol the network has been made since the Grand Challenge create! Indigenous communities throughout the country have worked together in networks the lack of a guide for instructors students. 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